Yogesh Shrivastava
Pawan Kumar Arora
Harish Kumar
- , Department of Mechanical Engineering,Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Uttar Pradesh, India
- , Department of Mechanical Engineering,Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Uttar Pradesh, India
- , Department of Mechanical Engineering,National Institute of Technology, Delhi, Delhi, India
The growing demand for harder materials with exceptional hardness poses a significant challenge for industries as achieving precise machining becomes increasingly tricky. The Inconel family of materials, renowned for their hardness, has been extensively studied. However, with the continuous introduction of new materials, the scope of research remains vast. In this context, Inconel X750, a corrosion and oxidation resistance, nickel-chromium-based alloy with excellent hardness, has gained attention. Despite its significance, there is limited research on processing Inconel X750 using Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM). To address this gap, the present work focuses on cutting nickel-chromium alloy using brass wires and WEDM. The objective is to examine the influence of various WEDM process parameters, including Pon/off timing and current, on the Material Removal Rate by identifying the ideal set of process parameters to maximize the MRR. From the results, a suitable range of machining parameters has been determined. The obtained capacity to input parameters are Pon (100-110 μS), Poff (55-63 μS), and current(10-12A). The findings of this study will contribute to enhancing the machining efficiency of difficult-to-machine materials, offering valuable insights to industries seeking to overcome challenges associated with precise machining in the pursuit of more rigid materials.
Keywords: WEDM; Inconel X750; Modeling; Optimization; Machining
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Journal of Polymer and Composites
Volume | |
Issue | |
Received | October 30, 2023 |
Accepted | November 21, 2023 |
Published |
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