Kammili Harsha Naga Sai
Boggarapu Nageswara Rao
T. Parameshwaran Pillai
K. S. Sajikumar
K. Prasanth Kumar Reddy
- M.Tech Student, 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation (KLEF), Deemed to be University, Andhra Pradesh, India
- Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation (KLEF), Deemed to be University, Andhra Pradesh, India
- Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College of Engineering, BIT Campus, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
- Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering Trivandrum, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
- Research Scholar, 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation (KLEF), Deemed to be University, Andhra Pradesh, India
This study presents a comprehensive investigation into the mechanical behavior of a metal lined composite overwrapped pressure vessel, designed for high-pressure storage applications. The design approach is dependent upon fiber material constants and dome shape factor. The study begins with obtaining dome coordinates and maintaining winding angles according to a geodesic path equation. Thickness estimation for the portion of cylindrical shell and domes are determined through netting analysis and cubic spline function respectively. The initial part of the study assesses hoop, axial, and effective stresses.Finite element modeling and analysis performed on several case studies to confirm the existing test data using ANSYS.The critically stressed cylindrical portion of the vessel governs the design. The netting analysis suggests a thickness of 4.59 mm for this section but considering 5mm thickness (4 helical layers and 6 hoop layers). However, CLT analysis reveals that plies 1 to 4, with a 13.38° helical winding angle, fail due to exceeding the transverse filament strength,prompting the addition of supplementary plies to balance axial and hoop stresses. The resulting laminate design successfully meets all failure criteria, enhancing burst pressure and ensuring vessel reliability under a working pressure of 35MPa with 1.5 safety factor.
Keywords: Cylindrical shell; Domes; Factor of Safety; Failure criterion; Fiber strength; Netting theory; Winding angle.
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Journal of Polymer and Composites
Volume | |
Issue | |
Received | November 28, 2023 |
Accepted | December 30, 2023 |
Published |
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