Asymmetrical Light Propagation in 2D Photonic Crystal Structure

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume :11 | Special Issue : 07 | Page : 69-74

Vishal Anand,

Benoy Kumar Singh,

Man Mohan Gupta,

  1. Research Scholar Department of Physics, Institute of Applied Science, GLA University Uttar Pradesh India
  2. Associate Professor Department of Physics, Institute of Applied Science, GLA University Uttar Pradesh India
  3. Assistant Professor Department of Physics, Tata College, Chaibasa Jharkhand India


In this work, using Plane Wave Expansion (PWE) and two-dimensional Finite Difference Time Domain (2D-FDTD) methods, we design a structure that shows the high asymmetry in propagation of light. Structure is based on two-dimensional Photonic Crystal (2D-PC) consisting of square lattice (39 X 39) of infinitely long circular rods of refractive index 2.9 in the background of refractive index 1. Radius of rods is 0.15a, where a is the lattice constant and chosen as 0.5 µm. To achieve the asymmetry in propagation of light, shape of rods of one of the diagonals of the proposed structure are modified from circular to elliptical. Structure is having less footprint area and high signal contrat ratio. Observed signal contrast ratio is 0.549 at operating frequency a⁄λ=0.569. Being linear and nonmagnetic, proposed structure may be useful to construct optical logical devices and circuits, and would facilitate for realization of photonic networks.

Keywords: Photonic Crystals, Self-collimation, Two Dimenssional Finite Difference Time Domain (2D-FDTD), Plane Wave Expansion (PWE) Methods,

[This article belongs to Special Issue under section in Journal of Polymer and Composites(jopc)]

How to cite this article: Vishal Anand, Benoy Kumar Singh, Man Mohan Gupta. Asymmetrical Light Propagation in 2D Photonic Crystal Structure. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2023; 11(07):69-74.
How to cite this URL: Vishal Anand, Benoy Kumar Singh, Man Mohan Gupta. Asymmetrical Light Propagation in 2D Photonic Crystal Structure. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2023; 11(07):69-74. Available from:

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Special Issue Open Access Review Article
Volume 11
Special Issue 07
Received July 12, 2023
Accepted October 21, 2023
Published December 11, 2023