Review of Post-consumer Plastics and Pyrolysis Technology

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : 11 | Special Issue 08 | Page : 57-62

    Bhargav Angadala,

  • Karimulla Syed,

  • V.L. Mangesh,

  • Murali G,

  1. Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KLEF University, Andhra Pradesh, India
  2. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KLEF University, Andhra Pradesh, India
  3. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KLEF University, Andhra Pradesh, India
  4. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KLEF University, Andhra Pradesh, India


In both industrial and residential products, synthetic polymers are widely used. Since synthetic polymers are made from fossil fuels, they cannot decompose. disposal of plastic solid waste (PSW) has threatened the ecosystem seriously. In this article, we examine the various post-consumer PSW thermo-chemical recycling techniques. A method that has shown promise for converting PSW into valuable hydrocarbon compounds is pyrolysis. PSW has been broken down through thermal decomposition, however, value-added products have not been produced as a result. The results of catalytic pyrolysis are not ecologically benign, although the catalytic thermal decomposition of PSW has produced hydrocarbon fuel at lower temperatures and with better reaction selectivity than thermal decomposition. Producing value-added goods from the decomposition of PSW is the answer to the problem of sustainable disposal of PSW. The direct combustion of pyrolysis byproducts can lead to both atmospheric pollution and the production of harmful foods for humans. In this study, we examine alternative technologies for creating value-added, environmentally responsible goods that go beyond pyrolysis. The hydrotreatment of PSW pyrolysis oil employing monumental or bimetal catalysts has produced valuable products from PSW with encouraging results. Hydrotreatment of pyrolysis products includes hydrocracking, hydrogenation, and aromatization. Metal supported on zeolite supports has generated good outcomes, according to prior investigations. PSW disposal techniques should be both economically feasible and environmentally friendly.

Keywords: Synthetic plastic, catalyst, pyrolysis, incineration, and hydro treatment.

This article belongs to Special Issue Conference International Conference on Innovative Concepts in Mechanical Engineering (ICICME – 2023)

How to cite this article:
Bhargav Angadala, Karimulla Syed, V.L. Mangesh, Murali G. Review of Post-consumer Plastics and Pyrolysis Technology. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2023; 11(08):57-62.
How to cite this URL:
Bhargav Angadala, Karimulla Syed, V.L. Mangesh, Murali G. Review of Post-consumer Plastics and Pyrolysis Technology. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2023; 11(08):57-62. Available from:

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Conference Open Access Review Article
Volume 11
Special Issue 08
Received 18/08/2023
Accepted 12/09/2023
Published 14/11/2023