Open Access
Rishabh Chaturvedi,
Multifunctional materials, also called functionally graded materials (FGMs), are based on natural fibres or fillers and vary in composition and/or microstructure to control functional, structural, or thermal, properties. Functionally graded materials (FGMs) have been created for use in spacecraft, aircraft, and other engineering applications because they can withstand extremely high temperatures. Particle-reinforced FGMs, which make up the majority of FGMs, are made differently depending on their position. The mechanical and physical characteristics of epoxy composites reinforced with bamboo fibre were examined in the current study. Short bamboo fibre composites were created using a range of layer densities and four different fibre loadings. Few properties have been found to significantly increase as a function of fibre loading, but others, like void fraction, increase from 1.68% to 5.77%. Epoxy composites reinforced with bamboo fibre are added silicon carbide (SiC) filler at weight percentages of 0, 10, 15, and 20 while maintaining the same fibre loading (40 weight percentage). In addition to improving other mechanical properties, this decreases the void fraction. The substance can enhance performance while preserving the natural world’s equilibrium. The quantity of layers affects both flexural and tensile strength. By adding bamboo fibre as a particulate filler to epoxy composites, a high-strength, lightweight composite material could be produced. The interactions between the fibre and matrix were investigated using SEM.
Keywords: Composites, Tensile Test, Flexural Test, Impact Test, SEM, FGMC
[This article belongs to Special Issue under section in Journal of Polymer and Composites (jopc)]
Rishabh Chaturvedi. Functionally Graded Natural Fibre and SiC-reinforced Polymer Composite: Mechanical Properties. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2023; 11(04):1-14.
Rishabh Chaturvedi. Functionally Graded Natural Fibre and SiC-reinforced Polymer Composite: Mechanical Properties. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2023; 11(04):1-14. Available from:
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Journal of Polymer and Composites
Volume | 11 |
Special Issue | 04 |
Received | 12/12/2022 |
Accepted | 26/05/2023 |
Published | 03/09/2023 |