Effect of Chemically Treated Plant Cellulose on Mechanical, Fatigue and Fracture Toughness Behaviour of Polyester Composite

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume :11 | Issue : 03 | Page : 21-29

    Mahesha C.R.,

  1. Assistant Professor, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India


In this research study, the effect of chemically treated plant cellulose on the mechanical, fatigue, and fracture toughness behaviour of polyester composites was investigated. Ramie plant cellulose fibers were used as the reinforcing material, and polyester resin was used as the matrix material. Three different chemical treatment processes, namely alkalization, acetylation, and etherification, were used to adapt the superficial chemistry of the fibers and advance their compatibility with the polyester resin. The three different chemically treated fibers were incorporated into the polyester resin to prepare composite specimens. The mechanical properties, fatigue behaviour, and fracture toughness of these composites were evaluated using standard testing methods. The results showed that the chemical treatment of the plant cellulose fibers had a significant effect on the mechanical fatigue properties and fracture toughness of the composites. The alkalization treatment resulted in the highest improvement in fatigue, while the acetylation treatment resulted in the highest improvement in fracture toughness. The etherification treatment also showed significant improvements in these properties. In addition, the fracture toughness of the composites was evaluated using a three-point bending test method. The consequences displayed that the chemically treated fibers better the fatigue resistance of the composites, with the acetylation treatment showing the highest improvement. Overall, this research study demonstrates the potential of chemically treated plant cellulose fibers as a promising
reinforcement material for polyester composites. The findings of this study could have important implications for the development of sustainable and high-performance composite materials for various industrial applications.

Keywords: Alkalization, acetylation, etherification, polyester resin

[This article belongs to Journal of Polymer and Composites (jopc)]

How to cite this article:
Mahesha C.R.. Effect of Chemically Treated Plant Cellulose on Mechanical, Fatigue and Fracture Toughness Behaviour of Polyester Composite. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2023; 11(03):21-29.
How to cite this URL:
Mahesha C.R.. Effect of Chemically Treated Plant Cellulose on Mechanical, Fatigue and Fracture Toughness Behaviour of Polyester Composite. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2023; 11(03):21-29. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/jopc/article=2023/view=113086

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Regular Issue Open Access Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 03
Received 06/03/2023
Accepted 27/03/2023
Published 21/07/2023