A review of nanocomposite coatings for marine applications

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 01 | Page : 1-9

G. Nagarajan,


This paper reviews the performance and material characterization of nanocomposite coatings on the hydraulic pipelines of Ship A-Frame, which were corroded due to seawater exposure. Hydraulic pipe lines made of carbon steel face severe corrosion due to the highly corrosive nature of seawater with high salinity and microorganisms. The shipping industry utilizes organic and inorganic coatings to safeguard the hydraulic and seawater pipe lines of deck machines from marine pollution. High hydraulic pressures cause corrosion of A-Frame and scientific winches, potentially reducing the service life of corroded hydraulic pipe lines. Various environmentally friendly coating techniques, including epoxy resin, FBE (fusion-bonded epoxy), AE (asphalt enamel), neoprene, and multilayer PE (polyethylene), PP (polypropylene), and PU (polyurethane), are widely used for pipeline coating. Nanocomposite coatings can be created using a diverse range of matrices and reinforcement materials. The corrosion control of nanocomposite coatings relies on the preparation and use of various matrices as their main component. Marine applications such as tidal power plants, coastal factories, and desalination plants require high resistance to wear due to seawater contact. Nanocomposites offer high strength, light weight; corrosion resistance, design flexibility, and durability due to their small size range of 1 to 100 nm and can act as reinforcement materials. NPs have been successfully utilized in the creation of advanced composite coatings by incorporating them into various matrices. Nanocomposite coatings provide superior protection against marine corrosion. The study of new technologies in this field is crucial and may justify additional investments in the research and development of smart coatings. The experimental analysis presented in this paper highlights advancements in nanocomposite coatings for pipelines, aiming to provide environmentally friendly materials with improved properties and longer lifetimes, reducing ship dry dock and maintenance costs, and effectively utilizing research ships for scientific communities.

Keywords: Ship A-Frame, Nanocomposite coatings, Pipelines, Saltwater, Wear, Corrosion, Matrices, Hydaulic

[This article belongs to Journal of Offshore Structure and Technology (joost)]

How to cite this article:
G. Nagarajan. A review of nanocomposite coatings for marine applications. Journal of Offshore Structure and Technology. 2024; 11(01):1-9.
How to cite this URL:
G. Nagarajan. A review of nanocomposite coatings for marine applications. Journal of Offshore Structure and Technology. 2024; 11(01):1-9. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/joost/article=2024/view=176030


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received 20/05/2024
Accepted 29/05/2024
Published 30/05/2024

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