Analysis of new Floating Offshore Wind Turbine under drag force operation

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 01 | Page : 1-10

Carlos Armenta Déu,

Diego Piqueras Sanz,


The goal of this paper is the study and analysis of a new type of floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT), which operates under drag force instead of lifting force as the conventional FOWT. We simulate the wind turbine operation modifying the pitch angle to faithfully reproduce the behavior when submitted to waves’ movement. The analysis of the wind turbine performance is developed in a model at laboratory scale to control the power generation under variable operating conditions. Tests run for variable wind speed in the available wind tunnel range, from 0 to 72 km/h. We determine the efficiency of the new wind turbine model determining the output power for setup wind speed, and comparing the results with those obtained from a conventional model, lifting type, of similar characteristics under identical operating conditions. The tests results show that the optimum pitch angle, which generates the maximum output power, does not match the one for highest mechanical efficiency. The simulation results also show that floating offshore wind turbines operating under drag force is an interesting option to complement the conventional FOWT in a marine park since they can be intercalated reducing the wake effects and supplying additional power.

Keywords: Wind energy. Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. Pitch angle. Power generation. Drag forces.

[This article belongs to Journal of Offshore Structure and Technology (joost)]

How to cite this article:
Carlos Armenta Déu, Diego Piqueras Sanz. Analysis of new Floating Offshore Wind Turbine under drag force operation. Journal of Offshore Structure and Technology. 2024; 11(01):1-10.
How to cite this URL:
Carlos Armenta Déu, Diego Piqueras Sanz. Analysis of new Floating Offshore Wind Turbine under drag force operation. Journal of Offshore Structure and Technology. 2024; 11(01):1-10. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received 10/05/2024
Accepted 20/05/2024
Published 21/05/2024

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