AI Virtual Keyboard and Mouse using OpenCV

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume :9 | Issue : 1 | Page : 1-10

Maahi Khemchandani

Kunal Junghare

Sahil Bote

Pinkesh Mohe

  1. Assistant Professor Department of Information Technology, Saraswati College of Engineering Kharghar Maharashtra India
  2. Student Department of Information Technology, Saraswati College of Engineering Kharghar Maharashtra India


These days, PC vision has arrived at its pinnacle, where a PC can recognize its proprietor utilizing a straightforward program of picture handling. In this advanced stage, people are incorporating this vision into various aspects of daily life, such as face recognition, color identification, automatic vehicles, and so on. In this project, computer vision is used to create an optical mouse and console that uses hand signals. The camera of the PC will peruse the picture of various signals performed by an individual’s hand and as indicated by the development of the motions the mouse or the cursor of the PC will move, even perform both ways click, utilizing various signals. Essentially, the console capacities might be utilized for a variety of signals, signals, such as utilizing one finger motion for letter set select and four-figure motion to swipe left and right. It will go about as a virtual mouse and console with no wire or outside gadgets. The main equipment part of the undertaking is a webcam, and the coding is done on python, utilizing Anaconda stage. Here, the convex frame deserts are first created, and then a calculation is created using the deformity estimations, and the mouse and console capacities are planned with the imperfections.

Keywords: Computer vision, OpenCV, AI virtual mouse, AI virtual keyboard, webcam

[This article belongs to Journal of Open Source Developments(joosd)]

How to cite this article: Maahi Khemchandani, Kunal Junghare, Sahil Bote, Pinkesh Mohe. AI Virtual Keyboard and Mouse using OpenCV. Journal of Open Source Developments. 2023; 9(1):1-10.
How to cite this URL: Maahi Khemchandani, Kunal Junghare, Sahil Bote, Pinkesh Mohe. AI Virtual Keyboard and Mouse using OpenCV. Journal of Open Source Developments. 2023; 9(1):1-10. Available from:

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Regular Issue Open Access Article
Volume 9
Issue 1
Received May 12, 2022
Accepted May 20, 2022
Published January 20, 2023