Intelligent IoT Enabled Waste Segregation and Monitoring System

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : –

Krishnapriya S.

Aneesh Babu A. K.

Aswin Kavil Biju

Abidha Abdul Karim Rawther

Bejoy Antony

  1. Student Electronics and Communication, St.Thomas College of Engineering And Technology, Chengannur Kerala India
  2. Student Electronics and Communication, St.Thomas College of Engineering And Technology, Chengannur Kerala India
  3. Student Electronics and Communication, St.Thomas College of Engineering And Technology, Chengannur Kerala India
  4. Assistant Professor Electronics and Communication, St.Thomas College of Engineering And Technology, Chengannur Kerala India
  5. Assistant Professor Electronics and Communication, St.Thomas College of Engineering And Technology, Chengannur Kerala India


One of the significant issues contributing to environmental hazards is the ongoing accumulation of waste. As the global population continues to grow, waste is being discarded in single locations, mixing different types of refuse. In India, the total generated waste is projected to exceed 150,000 metric tons per day. Waste is often scattered along roadsides, and the personnel responsible for management do not collect it regularly. This automated waste segregation bin project aims to enhance efficiency, utilizing IoT-based smart sorting and management to categorize waste as dry, metallic and wet using sensors such as IR sensors, ultrasonic sensors, inductive proximity sensors and moisture sensors. The microcontroller incorporates a Wi-Fi module alongside the Arduino to enable effective, closed-loop operations. Arduino manages sensor and servo motor functions, monitoring the entire waste process including levels and separation. This approach reduces open organic waste decomposition and subsequent microorganism growth. The proposed system divides waste into dry, metallic and wet waste. This application is a viable approach for waste management and sorting. Using a cloud server, data gathered by Arduino can be easily accessed by authorities, providing information on the garbage filling level without the need for manual checks.

Keywords: Automatic Waste Segregation and Monitoring System, IoT based technology, sensor-based working, Real time monitoring system, cost-effectiveness.

[This article belongs to Journal of Multimedia Technology & Recent Advancements(jomtra)]

How to cite this article: Krishnapriya S., Aneesh Babu A. K., Aswin Kavil Biju, Abidha Abdul Karim Rawther, Bejoy Antony. Intelligent IoT Enabled Waste Segregation and Monitoring System. Journal of Multimedia Technology & Recent Advancements. 2024; 11(02):-.
How to cite this URL: Krishnapriya S., Aneesh Babu A. K., Aswin Kavil Biju, Abidha Abdul Karim Rawther, Bejoy Antony. Intelligent IoT Enabled Waste Segregation and Monitoring System. Journal of Multimedia Technology & Recent Advancements. 2024; 11(02):-. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received May 3, 2024
Accepted May 24, 2024
Published July 9, 2024

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