Data Security in IoT

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Swati Yelapure,

Sneha Deshmukh,

  1. Student Department of Computer Engineering, Dhole Patil College of Engineering India
  2. Assistant Professor Department of Computer Engineering, Dhole Patil College of Engineering India


Privacy and security are among the major Internet of Things (IoT) challenges. Improper device upgrades, lack of effective and robust security agreements, user ignorance, and popularity active device monitoring is among the challenges IoT faces. In this work, we explore the background of IoT applications and security measures, and identifying alternative security as well privacy issues, methods used to protect location components and IoT-based programs, existing security solutions, and the best privacy models needed and suitable for the exception layers of IoT-operated application. IoT security is the act of safeguarding Internet devices and the networks to which they’re connected from threats and breaches by identifying, protecting, and monitoring risks, as well as assisting in the repair of vulnerabilities from a variety of devices that can pose a security risk to your company.

Keywords: Data Security, IOT devices, IoT security, Social Media Applications, Internet of Things

How to cite this article: Swati Yelapure, Sneha Deshmukh. Data Security in IoT. Journal of Multimedia Technology & Recent Advancements. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Swati Yelapure, Sneha Deshmukh. Data Security in IoT. Journal of Multimedia Technology & Recent Advancements. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received September 21, 2021
Accepted December 12, 2021
Published January 30, 2023