Technical Review Of Manufacturing Defects In Cold Forged M6 Nuts

Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 01 | Page : –

Vidisha Joshi,

Dr. Pratik Kikani,

Dr. G.D. Acharya,

  1. PG Scholar, Atmiya University Rajkot,, Gujarat, India
  2. Assistant Professor, Atmiya University Rajkot,, Gujarat, India
  3. Emeritus Professor, Atmiya University Rajkot,, Gujarat, India


This review delves into the intricacies of M6 cold forged nuts, a pivotal component in many assemblies. These nuts are essential for maintaining structural integrity, yet their production can often lead to defects that compromise their performance. Key issues include material flaws, such as impurities and inconsistencies, dimensional inaccuracies that can affect fit and function, and surface roughness that can impact the nut’s strength and durability. Material flaws can arise from the quality of the raw materials or from the forging process itself, leading to weaknesses in the final product. Dimensional inconsistencies often result from deviations in the manufacturing process, leading to nuts that do not meet precise specifications. Surface roughness, another critical defect, can reduce the fatigue life of the nuts and lead to premature failure under stress. The impact of these defects on assembly performance and safety cannot be overstated. Defective nuts can lead to inadequate load distribution, increased wear, and ultimately, structural failures. This underscores the importance of stringent quality control measures during production. Advanced detection methods, such as ultrasonic testing, X-ray inspection, and surface profiling, play a vital role in identifying defects early in the manufacturing process. Preventive strategies, including precise control of raw material quality and adherence to manufacturing protocols, are crucial in minimizing defects. By understanding these challenges and the corresponding solutions, researchers, engineers, and manufacturers can enhance the quality and reliability of M6 cold forged nuts. Ensuring rigorous quality control and employing advanced detection techniques are essential steps toward achieving defect-free production, ultimately safeguarding the performance and safety of assemblies that rely on these critical components.

Keywords: Cracks, Defects, Fasteners, Fracture, M6-Nut

[This article belongs to Journal of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering (jomme)]

How to cite this article:
Vidisha Joshi, Dr. Pratik Kikani, Dr. G.D. Acharya. Technical Review Of Manufacturing Defects In Cold Forged M6 Nuts. Journal of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering. 2024; 14(01):-.
How to cite this URL:
Vidisha Joshi, Dr. Pratik Kikani, Dr. G.D. Acharya. Technical Review Of Manufacturing Defects In Cold Forged M6 Nuts. Journal of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering. 2024; 14(01):-. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 14
Issue 01
Received 19/03/2024
Accepted 27/05/2024
Published 15/06/2024

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