Iot Based Automated Garbage Segragation System And Level Indication To Corporation

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 01 | Page : –

Sarthak Gangurde,

Kalyani Jngale,

Mayuri Jaurkae,

S.A. Koti,

  1. Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  2. Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  3. Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  4. Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India


The issue of maintaining clean cosmopolises is becoming increasingly important as smart cosmopolises emerge. The amount of scrap generated is excessive, and the labor-intensive physical labor required to make it is extremely tiresome. As technology advances in all areas, automated methods might be promoted to assist with the scrap pile. The purpose of the trash segregator is to make it easier to dispose of collected waste. Three lockers—one for wet garbage, one for substances, and one for dry waste—make up the system. The conveyer belt system recognizes the incoming garbage, uses several system-connected sensors to classify it as dry or wet material, and then deflects it into a different container. The servo motors, programmed in accordance with the working, carry out the divagation method. This makes it easier to recover various waste types based on demand. The ultrasonic sensors found in each bin are used to cover the scrap position in each locker. Additionally, the advertisement is forwarded to the relevant authorities so they can empty the trash can. Because the entire system is automated, less human interaction is needed to separate the waste, and the scrap is successfully collected from the bin at the appropriate time.

Keywords: Smart Dustbin, Segregation, solid waste segregation, collection and detection, Automatic Segregation.

[This article belongs to Journal of Microcontroller Engineering and Applications (jomea)]

How to cite this article:
Sarthak Gangurde, Kalyani Jngale, Mayuri Jaurkae, S.A. Koti. Iot Based Automated Garbage Segragation System And Level Indication To Corporation. Journal of Microcontroller Engineering and Applications. 2024; 11(01):-.
How to cite this URL:
Sarthak Gangurde, Kalyani Jngale, Mayuri Jaurkae, S.A. Koti. Iot Based Automated Garbage Segragation System And Level Indication To Corporation. Journal of Microcontroller Engineering and Applications. 2024; 11(01):-. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received 07/05/2024
Accepted 18/05/2024
Published 04/06/2024

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