Robotic Arm Vision Systems: Advances and Applications in Manufacturing Automation

Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 01 | Page : 38-44

Raj Mahesh Shinde,

Sahil Santosh Kumar Saklecha,

Ashutosh Macchindra Shelar,

  1. Student, Department Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  2. Student, Department Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  3. Student, Department Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India


Robotics might be defined more practically as the study, development, and use of robot systems for industry. The first industrial robot was made by George Charles Devol, who is commonly regarded to as the father of robotics. Their absolute precision can range from several mms (±5–10 mm, ±0.5–1.8 mm) due to mechanical tolerances, elasticities, temperature, and other factors. Historically, their position can be altered frequently with a modest repeatability error in the submillimeter range of ±0.3 mm. The goal of the Intelligent Industrial Robotic Arm project is to create, develop, and deploy an advanced robotic arm system that will improve and automate a range of industrial manufacturing processes. This project creates a flexible and effective solution for the contemporary production environment by integrating state-of-the-art technologies including sophisticated robotics, computer vision, and artificial intelligence. The goal of the Intelligent Industrial Robotic Arm project is to further automation in production, which will eventually result in more productivity, better-quality products, and safer working conditions. Intelligent technology integration guarantees scalability and adaptability, which makes it a valuable asset in the dynamic field of industrial automation.

Keywords: Robotics, automation, ESP32, microprocessor, artificial intelligence.

[This article belongs to Journal of Instrumentation Technology & Innovations (joiti)]

How to cite this article:
Raj Mahesh Shinde, Sahil Santosh Kumar Saklecha, Ashutosh Macchindra Shelar. Robotic Arm Vision Systems: Advances and Applications in Manufacturing Automation. Journal of Instrumentation Technology & Innovations. 2024; 14(01):38-44.
How to cite this URL:
Raj Mahesh Shinde, Sahil Santosh Kumar Saklecha, Ashutosh Macchindra Shelar. Robotic Arm Vision Systems: Advances and Applications in Manufacturing Automation. Journal of Instrumentation Technology & Innovations. 2024; 14(01):38-44. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 14
Issue 01
Received 01/05/2024
Accepted 15/05/2024
Published 25/05/2024

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