Spatial variations of land surface temperature and its relationship with the type of land use/cover

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 01 | Page : 1-16

Asra Fathi,

Ali Khazai,

Fereshteh Doostvandi,


Environmental parameters are intricately interdependent and affect nearby and sometimes distant components. Environmental parameters become more important when dealing directly with humans. Land surface temperature (LST) is one of the environmental parameters that when it is related to the city as the main center of human gathering, it is referred to as urban heat island (UHI). Land use/ Land cover (LU/LC) is one of the important environmental parameters that affect the temperature of the earth’s surface and heat island. In this research, using the Landsat 8 satellite image, the effect of LULC on the LST of Kermanshah and its outskirts was investigated. For this purpose, first the required pre-processing was done on the image of the desired date; Single-channel algorithm was used to prepare LST map and maximum likelihood algorithm was used to prepare LULC map. The temperature of the studied area was between 25 and 63 degrees Celsius. Among the five extracted LULC classes (water, vegetation, built, soil and rock), vegetation had the lowest average temperature (44.6 degrees Celsius) and soil had the highest average temperature (54.7 degrees Celsius). The reason why the temperature of the built areas was not high was the reflective roofs and the reason why the water temperature was not low (compared to the vegetation) was mixed pixels.

Keywords: Thermal island, LST, LULC, reflective roofs, Kermanshah city

[This article belongs to Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (joge)]

How to cite this article:
Asra Fathi, Ali Khazai, Fereshteh Doostvandi. Spatial variations of land surface temperature and its relationship with the type of land use/cover. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 2024; 11(01):1-16.
How to cite this URL:
Asra Fathi, Ali Khazai, Fereshteh Doostvandi. Spatial variations of land surface temperature and its relationship with the type of land use/cover. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 2024; 11(01):1-16. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received 01/04/2024
Accepted 10/04/2024
Published 13/04/2024

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