Low Emissions Zone: An Approach to Reduce Carbon Emissions in Sensitive and Congested Urban Areas

Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 01 | Page : 8-24

C. Armenta -Déu,

Antonio Martínez,

  1. Professor,, Department of Matter Structure, Thermal Physics and Electronics, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Complutense University of Madrid,, Madrid,, Spain
  2. Professor,, Department of Matter Structure, Thermal Physics and Electronics, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Complutense University of Madrid,, Madrid,, Spain


The paper develops a detail study on how to reduce carbon emissions in sensitive and congested urban
areas where people are especially affected by GHG pollution. The study focuses on the analysis of
traffic restrictions to private and public vehicles which does not fulfil specific conditions for entering
the so called “Low Emissions Zone” (LEZ). The article uses a simulation to reproduce current driving
in modern cities and how the use of electric vehicles contribute to maintain air quality and
environmental preservation. The simulation runs on the analysis of dynamic equations of vehicle
driving, evaluating the reduction of the various GHG types and their influence on people health. Energy
consumption and vehicle performance represent key parameters to determine the absolute reduction of
carbon emissions and lowering the GHG impact factor. The article also deals with the detection way
of carbon emission by vehicles in LEZ and the actions to block the access. Artificial Intelligence is also
applied to the traffic management to avoid contaminating cars entering the LEZ or to modify the driving
pattern so the GHG emissions from circulating vehicles vanishes. The paper proposes an innovative
methodology to measure GHG emissions at the LEZ entrance, commanded by an intelligent control
system that blocks or detours vehicles with GHG emissions above set up threshold. The results of the
simulations show the proposed method is feasible and achieve near 100% reduction of carbon emissions
at optimum operating conditions and above 90% reduction, on average.

Keywords: Low emissions zones, carbon emissions reduction, urban congested areas, simulation, GHG measurement, traffic regulation and restrictions

[This article belongs to Journal of Energy, Environment & Carbon Credits (joeecc)]

How to cite this article:
C. Armenta -Déu, Antonio Martínez. Low Emissions Zone: An Approach to Reduce Carbon Emissions in Sensitive and Congested Urban Areas. Journal of Energy, Environment & Carbon Credits. 2024; 14(01):8-24.
How to cite this URL:
C. Armenta -Déu, Antonio Martínez. Low Emissions Zone: An Approach to Reduce Carbon Emissions in Sensitive and Congested Urban Areas. Journal of Energy, Environment & Carbon Credits. 2024; 14(01):8-24. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/joeecc/article=2024/view=176034


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 14
Issue 01
Received 06/05/2024
Accepted 15/05/2024
Published 14/06/2024

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