A Comprehensive Review of Geopolymer Concrete: Performance and Incorporation in RCC Beams

Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 01 | Page : 7-12

    Sourabh Kumar,

  • Harsh Rathore,

  1. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Sanjeev Agarwal Global Educational University, Bhopal, ,
  2. Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Sanjeev Agarwal Global Educational University, Bhopal, ,


This review paper provides a succinct overview of recent strides in geopolymer concrete technology, focusing on its strength, durability, and sustainable applications. Beginning with the fundamental principles of geopolymerization, the paper delves into the latest research findings, emphasizing enhancements in compressive and flexural strength. It critically analyzes the durability of geopolymer concrete against environmental factors and explores innovative strategies, such as incorporating supplementary cementitious materials and nanomaterials, to improve its resilience. The review also highlights diverse sustainable applications, ranging from conventional structures to specialized uses in marine and infrastructure projects. By synthesizing current knowledge, this paper contributes valuable insights to researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, promoting geopolymer concrete as an eco-friendly alternative in construction for a more sustainable future.

Keywords: geopolymer concrete, strength, durability, sustainable applications, compressive strength, flexural strength, supplementary cementitious materials

[This article belongs to Journal of Construction Engineering, Technology & Management (jocetm)]

How to cite this article:
Sourabh Kumar, Harsh Rathore. A Comprehensive Review of Geopolymer Concrete: Performance and Incorporation in RCC Beams. Journal of Construction Engineering, Technology & Management. 2024; 14(01):7-12.
How to cite this URL:
Sourabh Kumar, Harsh Rathore. A Comprehensive Review of Geopolymer Concrete: Performance and Incorporation in RCC Beams. Journal of Construction Engineering, Technology & Management. 2024; 14(01):7-12. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/jocetm/article=2024/view=143625


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 14
Issue 01
Received 17/02/2024
Accepted 12/04/2024
Published 16/04/2024