Unani Medicine Uncovered: Core Concepts And Quality Evaluations

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Asma Malik Azmi

Asif Ali Chaudhary

Fouzia Farooqui

S. Saleemunnisa Yousuf

Asma RA Chaudhary

  1. Professor Dept of Kulliyat, ZVM Unani Medical College and Hospital, Pune Maharashtra India
  2. Assistant Professor Dept. of Moalijat, Anjuman-I-Islam’s Dr M.I.J.T Tibbia Unani Medical College and Haji A.R Kalsekar Tibbia Hospital, Mumbai Maharashtra India
  3. Associate Professor Dept of Ilaj bit tadbeer, ZVM Unani Medical College and Hospital, Pune Maharashtra India
  4. Assistant Professor Dept of Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib, ZVM Unani Medical College and Hospital, Pune Maharashtra India
  5. Professor Dept of Ilmul Qabalat wa Amraz e Niswan, ZVM Unani Medical College and Hospital, Pune Maharashtra India


Unani medicine, a traditional healing system primarily reliant on herbal remedies, finds its roots in the ancient wisdom of Greek philosopher Hippocrates (460–377 BC) and his associates. Its evolution and prominence, however, owe much to the support of Persian and Arab empires before making its way to the Indian subcontinent around the mid-14th century. Unani practitioners believe that each individual possesses a unique temperament shaped by the interplay of four fundamental humoral combinations. This temperament is influenced by a variety of factors, including age, mental state, local climate, and environmental conditions. Treatment in Unani medicine revolves around tailoring diet and pharmacological interventions to align with the patient’s temperament. The system places great emphasis on promoting health and employs a range of approaches such as regimental therapy, dietetics, and pharmacology to manage diseases. Numerous clinical studies have validated the effectiveness of Unani remedies, often with minimal side effects. Recent efforts have focused on standardizing, quality control, and toxicity assessment of herbal drugs, as well as validating formulations listed in the Unani Pharmacopeia of India. Despite the system’s proven benefits in healthcare, it remains underutilized. This article provides an insight into the core principles and historical context of Unani medicine, while also shedding light on its quality control measures and its valuable contributions to the healthcare landscape in India.

Keywords: Unani system of medicine, Evaluation, Akhlat, Quwa, Mizaj, Concepts and Quality

How to cite this article: Asma Malik Azmi, Asif Ali Chaudhary, Fouzia Farooqui, S. Saleemunnisa Yousuf, Asma RA Chaudhary. Unani Medicine Uncovered: Core Concepts And Quality Evaluations. Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Asma Malik Azmi, Asif Ali Chaudhary, Fouzia Farooqui, S. Saleemunnisa Yousuf, Asma RA Chaudhary. Unani Medicine Uncovered: Core Concepts And Quality Evaluations. Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. 2024; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/joayush/article=2024/view=137663


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Ahead of Print Subscription Review Article
Received October 17, 2023
Accepted October 25, 2023
Published January 29, 2024