Healthcare, Medicines, and the Advancement in Robotics: Pitch the Vision of Smart Public Health

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : –

Bhupinder Singh

  1. Professor School of Law, Sharda University, Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar Uttar Pradesh India


Robots are revolutionizing medical procedures, optimizing supply delivery and disinfection processes, and allowing healthcare providers to dedicate more time to patient care and interaction. Intel offers a diverse array of technology solutions designed specifically for the advancement of medical robots, encompassing surgical aids, customizable modules, and self-governing mobile robots. Social robots are human-to-human communicators that may be used to monitor and socialize with patients in long-term care settings. They lessen caregiver burdens and improve patients’ emotional well-being by encouraging treatment compliance, offering guidance to patients and visitors throughout hospital surroundings, and facilitating cognitive engagement. In research laboratories, robotics and automation are employed to mechanize labor-intensive, repetitive tasks performed on a large scale. This frees up technicians and scientists to focus on strategically important tasks that expedite discovery. Medical robots provide benefits in a number of sectors by streamlining processes and reducing risk. Robots, for example, can autonomously set up and clean patient rooms, which is especially useful in infectious illness wards where it’s important to restrict human-to-person contact. This paper explores the advancement in robotics concerning the field of healthcare and medicines.

Keywords: Robotics, Technologies, Health, Medicines, Patient Care

[This article belongs to Journal of Advancements in Robotics(joarb)]

How to cite this article: Bhupinder Singh. Healthcare, Medicines, and the Advancement in Robotics: Pitch the Vision of Smart Public Health. Journal of Advancements in Robotics. 2024; 11(02):-.
How to cite this URL: Bhupinder Singh. Healthcare, Medicines, and the Advancement in Robotics: Pitch the Vision of Smart Public Health. Journal of Advancements in Robotics. 2024; 11(02):-. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received April 10, 2024
Accepted May 22, 2024
Published July 5, 2024

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