[{“box”:0,”content”:”[if 992 equals=”Open Access”]
Open Access
[/if 992]n
- n t
Balasundaram M., Hariprasath P., S. Rathnamala, B. Narmatha
n[if 2099 not_equal=”Yes”]n
- [foreach 286] [if 1175 not_equal=””]n t
- Student, Student, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Department of computer science and engineering, Sethu Institute of Technology, Virudhunagar, Department of computer science and engineering, Sethu Institute of Technology, Virudhunagar, Department of computer science and engineering, Sethu Institute of Technology, Virudhunagar, Department of computer science and engineering, Sethu Institute of Technology, Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu, Tamil Nadu, Tamil Nadu, Tamil Nadu, India, India, India, India
n[/if 1175][/foreach]
[/if 2099][if 2099 equals=”Yes”][/if 2099]nn
nThe Agro Bot framework is a form of natural language processing that requires training to understand human language and meet user needs accordingly. The development of a chat bot tailored for the agricultural industry represents a significant advancement in agricultural technology. This chatbot serves as an interactive tool to assist farmers in various aspects of agricultural practices, including crop management, pest control, weather forecasting, and market information. The main objective of this chatbot is to deliver personalized and real-time assistance to farmers, empowering them to make informed choices and enhance their agricultural activities. The extension solution incorporated into this chat bot enhances its functionality by integrating a machine learning algorithm to predict crop yield based on historical data, weather patterns, and soil conditions. In our chatbot, We also gave the details of the “INTERCROPPING” which is especially for the south Indian cultures .The Primary Goal of the AGROBOT is to support the farmers who are all not aware of the south Indian agriculture of Intercropping.
Keywords: Digital register, Identification, Deep learning, A simple feed forward neural network is used for query classification, Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB) classifier, Agriculture chat bot.CSV dataset.
n[if 424 equals=”Regular Issue”][This article belongs to Journal of Advancements in Robotics(joarb)]
n[if 992 equals=”Open Access”] Full Text PDF Download[/if 992] nnn[if 379 not_equal=””]n
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n[if 1104 equals=””]n
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nn[if 1114 equals=”Yes”]n
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Volume | 11 | |
[if 424 equals=”Regular Issue”]Issue[/if 424][if 424 equals=”Special Issue”]Special Issue[/if 424] [if 424 equals=”Conference”][/if 424] | 01 | |
Received | April 1, 2024 | |
Accepted | April 5, 2024 | |
Published | April 22, 2024 |
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