Balancing Progress and Privacy: Exploring the Societal Implications of Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Era

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 01 | Page : –

    Prashant J. Viradiya

  1. Chirag C. Mavani

  2. Ripalkumar N. Patel

  1. Research Scholar, Department of Computer Engineering, Gyanmanjari Innovative University- GMIU, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India
  2. Security Analyst, IT Department, Gyanmanjari Innovative University- GMIU, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India
  3. Cloud Architect, IT Department, Gyanmanjari Innovative University- GMIU, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India


This study investigates concerns about privacy, accountability, and justice, underscoring the importance of further examining the societal ramifications of artificial intelligence. Interdisciplinary collaboration and responsible AI development will be fostered as a result. The intricate ramifications of artificial intelligence (AI) on various facets of human existence—including labor, personal privacy, social connections, sound judgment, and ethical concerns—are also examined in this essay. To attain a more profound comprehension of the intricate conduct of AI in human attempts, this course focuses on its development, concerns, and ethical underpinnings. An exhaustive examination of the research exposes any deficiencies and furnishes a holistic comprehension of the hazards that artificial intelligence introduces to numerous facets of human-computer interaction.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Data Privacy, Data Protection, Digital Era, Chatbots.

[This article belongs to Journal of Advancements in Robotics(joarb)]

How to cite this article: Prashant J. Viradiya, Chirag C. Mavani, Ripalkumar N. Patel , Balancing Progress and Privacy: Exploring the Societal Implications of Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Era joarb 2024; 11:-
How to cite this URL: Prashant J. Viradiya, Chirag C. Mavani, Ripalkumar N. Patel , Balancing Progress and Privacy: Exploring the Societal Implications of Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Era joarb 2024 {cited 2024 Apr 05};11:-. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received January 17, 2024
Accepted January 31, 2024
Published April 5, 2024