Building a Smart, Secured and Sustainable Campus: A Self-Powered Wireless Network for Environmental Monitoring

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 01 | Page : 28-43

    Qutaiba Ibrahim

  1. Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq


Traditional wired sensor networks for building environmental monitoring often face challenges related to scalability, cost, and resilience. This paper introduces a novel concept called the Green Environmental Monitoring Network (Green EMN), tailored specifically for campus environments. The objective of this study is to propose a self-powered wireless network solution that utilizes strategically deployed wireless sensor nodes within buildings for environmental data collection, while integrating advanced security measures and sustainable power management strategies. The Green EMN utilizes wireless sensor nodes deployed within buildings, transmitting data to gateway nodes equipped with the Embedded Cooperative Hybrid Intrusion Detection System (ECHIDS) for enhanced security. Sustainable power management techniques such as energy-efficient nodes, energy harvesting, and duty cycling are incorporated to ensure long-term operation. The proposed Green EMN offers significant advantages over traditional wired networks, including scalability, cost-effectiveness, resilience, and seamless integration with existing campus infrastructure. The innovative ECHIDS security system provides comprehensive threat protection against cyberattacks. By promoting a secure and sustainable monitoring environment, the Green EMN can greatly enhance environmental monitoring capabilities in campus buildings, fostering a healthier and more sustainable learning environment for students and faculty.

Keywords: Environmental monitoring, wireless sensor networks, campus buildings, self-powered network, energy harvesting, duty cycling, sustainable infrastructure, data analytics, real-time monitoring, Intrusion Detection System, Network security.

[This article belongs to Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research & Advances(joaira)]

How to cite this article: Qutaiba Ibrahim , Building a Smart, Secured and Sustainable Campus: A Self-Powered Wireless Network for Environmental Monitoring joaira 2024; 11:28-43
How to cite this URL: Qutaiba Ibrahim , Building a Smart, Secured and Sustainable Campus: A Self-Powered Wireless Network for Environmental Monitoring joaira 2024 {cited 2024 Apr 05};11:28-43. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received March 13, 2024
Accepted March 14, 2024
Published April 5, 2024