Enhanced Sunlight Intensity Measurement with Solar Tracking System

Year : 2024 | Volume :15 | Issue : 01 | Page : 8-15

Pankaj Kumar Ray,

  1. Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Guru Gobind Singh Educational Society’s Technical Campus, Kandra, Chas, Bokaro, Jharkhand, India


Sunlight intensity measurement plays a crucial role in various applications, particularly in the context of solar energy utilization. However, traditional static acquisition devices often fail to provide precise measurements throughout the entire daylight period. This limitation necessitates the development of more advanced methodologies for accurate sunlight intensity assessment. In this studynn, we propose a novel approach utilizing a solar tracking system integrated with a measurement device to achieve precise sunlight intensity measurements from sunrise to sunset. By employing a cost-effective combination of the GY-302 module and an A6 GSM/GPRS module, both based on the Arduino Pro-Mini microcontroller, we establish a reliable system for real-time data acquisition. This setup enables the continuous monitoring of sunlight intensity and facilitates the posting of measurement data on a web server for remote access and analysis. Furthermore, our research investigates the correlation between sunlight intensity and the voltage generated by solar panels. Through comprehensive comparative analysis, we elucidate the intricate relationship between these variables, providing valuable insights for optimizing solar energy harvesting systems. An additional noteworthy outcome of our study is the self-sustainability of the measurement device, which can be powered independently by a solar panel. This feature enhances the reliability and longevity of the system, making it suitable for long-term deployment in various environmental conditions. Moreover, we leverage the collected data to generate a sunlight intensity map, offering a visual representation of sunlight distribution in a given area. This mapping capability holds significant implications for the establishment of solar power plants, enabling informed decision-making regarding site selection and infrastructure development. Overall, our research contributes to advancing the field of solar energy technology by providing a comprehensive framework for precise sunlight intensity measurement and analysis. The proposed methodology holds promise for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of solar energy utilization, ultimately facilitating sustainable development and renewable energy integration into existing infrastructure.

Keywords: Sunlight intensity measurement, solar tracking system, solar panel voltage correlation, sunlight intensity map, renewable energy integration

[This article belongs to Journal of Alternate Energy Sources & Technologies (joaest)]

How to cite this article:
Pankaj Kumar Ray. Enhanced Sunlight Intensity Measurement with Solar Tracking System. Journal of Alternate Energy Sources & Technologies. 2024; 15(01):8-15.
How to cite this URL:
Pankaj Kumar Ray. Enhanced Sunlight Intensity Measurement with Solar Tracking System. Journal of Alternate Energy Sources & Technologies. 2024; 15(01):8-15. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/joaest/article=2024/view=175946

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 15
Issue 01
Received 09/05/2024
Accepted 18/05/2024
Published 28/05/2024

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