Empowerment of Women through the Participation in MGNREGA during post COVID-19 Period

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Pratim Sarkar

  1. Associate Professor Haldia Law College Haldia, West Bengal India


Rural women play key role in sustainable development and their empowerment is imperative for achieving the successful and effective implementation of developmental schemes in rural areas. The principles of gender equality are enshrined in the Indian Constitution. A significant purpose of development planning in India has been to provide for increasing employment opportunities not only to meet the backlog of the unemployed but also to accommodate additional labour force. MGNREGA is an anti-poverty welfare initiative. It protects the rural poor from vulnerabilities by providing them demand employment. Participation of women in MGNREGA Scheme is significantly high. The Indian economy, which was already experiencing a slowdown, was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.Increasing women’s participation in MGNREGA during post Covid period can be useful for effective delivery of its core objective. If implemented properly, this law can have ever lasting implications for the beneficiaries to improve their status economically and socially.

Keywords: Empowerment, MGNREGA, Indian Constitution, COVID-19, Rural Development

How to cite this article: Pratim Sarkar. Empowerment of Women through the Participation in MGNREGA during post COVID-19 Period. Journal of Human Rights Law and Practice. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Pratim Sarkar. Empowerment of Women through the Participation in MGNREGA during post COVID-19 Period. Journal of Human Rights Law and Practice. 2023; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/jhrlp/article=2023/view=91348

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Open Access Article
Received October 5, 2021
Accepted October 7, 2021
Published January 7, 2023