Significance of Lighthing Design

Year : 2024 | Volume : 02 | Issue : 01 | Page : 37-46

    Mr. Huzaifa,

  • Dr. Deepti Pande Rana*,

  1. Student, Amity School of Architecture and Planning, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, India
  2. Associate Professor,, Amity School of Architecture and Planning, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, India


Lightning design plays a pivotal role in both architectural and interior design, impacting aesthetics, functionality, and psychological well-being. This research investigates the multifaceted influence of lighting on human emotions, cognitive functions, and overall mental well-being within built environments. Moreover, it explores the visual comfort aspects of lighting design, emphasizing its significance in minimizing glare, shadows, and eye strain to optimize occupant satisfaction. Through a series of case studies, this study exemplifies the application of lighting design principles across various settings. The retail environment case study highlights lighting & dynamic role in shaping customer behavior and enhancing the shopping experience. In the hospitality venue case study, the welcoming ambiance achieved through strategic lighting design is examined from both staff and guest perspectives. Additionally, the residential setting case study demonstrates the adaptability of lighting design to diverse preferences, integrating modern technologies such as smart lighting systems. Furthermore, this research introduces the hanging Cuboidal study lamp as a novel lightning design concept. This innovative lamp not only adds to the aesthetic appeal of interior spaces but also offers functional benefits such as adjustable brightness levels and reduced eye strain during study or work sessions. By scrutinizing the interplay between lighting design and human psychology, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of how lighting influences occupants & experiences and well-being within built environments. It underscores the importance of thoughtful lighting design in creating environments that are visually appealing, comfortable, and conducive to positive psychological states.

Keywords: Lighting Design, Aesthetics, Psychology, Human Emotions, Cognitive Functions, Mental Well-Being, Visual Comfort, Glare, Shadows, Eye Strain, Occupant Satisfaction, Retail Environment, Hospitality Venue, Residential Setting, Case Studies, Customer Behavior, Shopping Experience, Welcoming Ambiance, Adaptability, Smart Lighting Systems, Hanging Cubidol Study Lamp.

[This article belongs to International Journal of Rural and Regional Development (ijrrd)]

How to cite this article:
Mr. Huzaifa, Dr. Deepti Pande Rana*. Significance of Lighthing Design. International Journal of Rural and Regional Development. 2024; 02(01):37-46.
How to cite this URL:
Mr. Huzaifa, Dr. Deepti Pande Rana*. Significance of Lighthing Design. International Journal of Rural and Regional Development. 2024; 02(01):37-46. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 02
Issue 01
Received 30/03/2024
Accepted 11/04/2024
Published 22/04/2024