Studies on Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of Phytochemicals from Petals and Leaves of Tagetes erecta

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Archit Mohan Shukla,


Mohammad Munawar T.,

Surya Prakash D.V.,

  1. Student Department of Biotechnology, Meerut Institute of Engineering and Technology Uttar Pradesh India


Tagetes erecta is commonly known as marigold, herbaceous and perennial plant. It belongs to Asteraceae family. It is widely cultivated, and many cultivars are used as ornamental plants in gardens. Antioxidants are highly present in flowers. It’s also used as a natural textile dye. It contains various phytochemicals and extracted with different solvents by qualitative and quantitative analysis. In this analysis different solvent extracts are used for estimation of phenolics, flavonoids and tannins from leaves and petals of Tagetes erecta. In petals, ethanol extract was shows highest content of phenolic and flavonoid content. It is found to be 12 μg/ml of phenolic content and 18 μg/ml of flavonoid content. Tannins content is very high in ethyl acetate extract and its found to be 15 μg/ml. Similarly in leaves, ethanol extract was shows highest content of phenolic and flavonoid content. It’s found to be 9.0 μg/ml of phenolic content and 11.0 μg/ml of flavonoid content. Tannins content is very high in water extract and it’s found to be 14 μg/ml.

Keywords: Tagetes erecta, Phenols, Flavonoids, Tannins, Ethanol

How to cite this article: Archit Mohan Shukla, Ritika, Mohammad Munawar T., Surya Prakash D.V.. Studies on Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of Phytochemicals from Petals and Leaves of Tagetes erecta. International Journal of Plant Biotechnology. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Archit Mohan Shukla, Ritika, Mohammad Munawar T., Surya Prakash D.V.. Studies on Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of Phytochemicals from Petals and Leaves of Tagetes erecta. International Journal of Plant Biotechnology. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received March 20, 2022
Accepted March 24, 2022
Published January 7, 2023