Impact of Palliative Care Intervention on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Nursing Care Issues in Caregivers of Head and Neck Cancer Patients at Hospice

Year : 2023 | Volume : 01 | Issue : 02 | Page : 27-35

    Dipesh Dave

  1. vector

    Priti Sanghavi

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    Bhavna Patel

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    Ravi Umrania

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    Himanshu Patel

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    Nisha Ajmeri

  1. Junior Resident, Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Gujarat, India
  2. Professor, Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Gujarat, India
  3. Associate Professor, Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Gujarat, India
  4. Assistant Professor, Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Gujarat, India
  5. Staff Nurse, Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Gujarat, India
  6. Staff Nurse, Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Gujarat, India


Aim: The primary aim is to assess Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) regarding nursing care issues in caregivers of Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) patients admitted at hospice. Secondary aim is to observe the impact of providing information and teaching skills on nursing care issues to caregivers. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was prospectively carried out involving 33 caregivers of hospice-admitted patients with head and neck cancer. A self-designed, close-ended questionnaire containing 29 questions was used before and after the intervention to check KAP regarding nursing care among caregivers. The interventions included sensitization of caregivers on nursing care issues, providing guidance, knowledge and training on various techniques of nursing care, a visit to the hospice museum, use of visual teaching aids, dummy models for techniques and different posters on HNC for explanation. To know the significance (p value) of the result, we use the paired t-test. A significance level of less than 0.05 for the p-value was deemed statistically significant. Results: We noted a statistically significant enhancement in caregivers’ Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice. In our study, it was evident that before the intervention, most caregivers faced difficulties in practical skills. However, these skills showed significant improvement following the explanation and intervention at the hospice. Conclusion: We can conclude that providing information and sincere training regarding nursing care issues of cancer patients to caregivers helps improve their KAP significantly. This may potentially prove beneficial in taking better care of their patients at home.

Keywords: Head and neck cancer, caregivers, nursing care, hospice

[This article belongs to International Journal of Oncological Nursing and Practices(ijonnp)]

How to cite this article: Dipesh Dave, Priti Sanghavi, Bhavna Patel, Ravi Umrania, Himanshu Patel, Nisha Ajmeri Impact of Palliative Care Intervention on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Nursing Care Issues in Caregivers of Head and Neck Cancer Patients at Hospice ijonnp 2023; 01:27-35
How to cite this URL: Dipesh Dave, Priti Sanghavi, Bhavna Patel, Ravi Umrania, Himanshu Patel, Nisha Ajmeri Impact of Palliative Care Intervention on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Nursing Care Issues in Caregivers of Head and Neck Cancer Patients at Hospice ijonnp 2023 {cited 2023 Dec 20};01:27-35. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 01
Issue 02
Received October 3, 2023
Accepted December 8, 2023
Published December 20, 2023

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