Sreelekshmi G S,
Shyni J.R.,
Sajna V.S,
Lida Antony,
- Associate Professor, DM WIMS Nursing College, Kerala, India
- Assistant Professor, DM WIMS Nursing College, Kerala, India
- Lecturer, DM WIMS Nursing College, Kerala, India
- Professor, DM WIMS Nursing College, Kerala, India
Background: The study aim to assess the mastery of breastfeeding among primi parous mothers who were admitted to a medical college hospital in Wayanad. Material and methods: This study employed a non-experimental quantitative research methodology, and it involved the selection of 120 primiparous women through purposive sampling. The setting of the study was at DM WIMS the research design was an experimental research design (post-test only control design). The target population of the study is the total number of mothers admitted to the antenatal ward and coming for consultation in the OPD. Results: Analyzing the knowledge scores of 120 samples, 2.5% of mothers have poor knowledge of breastfeeding, 80.83% of mothers have average knowledge of breastfeeding, and 16.6% of mothers have good knowledge.
Keywords: Knowledge, assessment, breastfeeding, primi mothers
[This article belongs to International Journal of Midwifery Nursing And Practices (ijmnp)]
Sreelekshmi G S, Shyni J.R., Sajna V.S, Lida Antony. A Quantitative Study to Assess The Mastery Regarding Breast Feeding among Primi Mothers. International Journal of Midwifery Nursing And Practices. 2023; 01(02):24-29.
Sreelekshmi G S, Shyni J.R., Sajna V.S, Lida Antony. A Quantitative Study to Assess The Mastery Regarding Breast Feeding among Primi Mothers. International Journal of Midwifery Nursing And Practices. 2023; 01(02):24-29. Available from:
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International Journal of Midwifery Nursing And Practices
Volume | 01 |
Issue | 02 |
Received | 02/09/2023 |
Accepted | 21/09/2023 |
Published | 27/09/2023 |