Mitigation of Location Based Attacks for Increased User Privacy

Year : 2023 | Volume : 01 | Issue : 02 | Page : 1-5

    Manas Kumar Yogi

  1. Assistant Professor, Department computer science & Engineering, Pragati Engineering College (A), Surampalem, Andhra Pradesh, India


Designing an effective method to mitigate location-based attacks is a pressing imperative in the realm of cybersecurity. As our world becomes increasingly interconnected through the Internet of Things (IoT) and location-aware services, the risks associated with the misuse of location data continue to escalate. Location-based attacks encompass a spectrum of threats, from geolocation spoofing and eavesdropping to geo-tagging abuse, potentially leading to severe privacy invasions and security breaches. This abstract provides a comprehensive overview of the significance, challenges, and key considerations in the development of a method to combat these evolving threats. Addressing location-based attacks cannot be approached with a uniform, one-size-fits-all solution. It necessitates a multifaceted approach, integrating technical innovations and human awareness. Such a method must encompass risk assessment, evaluating potential vulnerabilities, and the effectiveness of defense mechanisms. Balancing the budget and adhering to implementation time frames are equally crucial considerations. A hybrid approach combining technical defenses like secure transmission of location data, geolocation spoofing detection, and human vigilance is vital. Users need to exercise caution when sharing locationtagged content and remain informed about the potential risks associated with location data disclosure. As the digital landscape evolves, there is no guarantee of absolute security; however, by fostering a culture of security, prioritizing risk assessment, and efficient resource allocation, organizations and individuals can navigate the intricate challenges of our interconnected world with confidence. The path to comprehensive security lies in the unity of innovation, vigilance, and resource management, guiding us toward a safer and more secure digital future.

Keywords: Privacy, Security, Attacks, Authentication, geolocation spoofing detection, hybrid mechanism, geographical, location-based attacks

[This article belongs to International Journal of Mobile Computing Technology(ijmct)]

How to cite this article: Manas Kumar Yogi Mitigation of Location Based Attacks for Increased User Privacy ijmct 2023; 01:1-5
How to cite this URL: Manas Kumar Yogi Mitigation of Location Based Attacks for Increased User Privacy ijmct 2023 {cited 2023 Dec 13};01:1-5. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 01
Issue 02
Received October 29, 2023
Accepted November 7, 2023
Published December 13, 2023

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