Watershed Management of Karha Basin by Using Geohydrological, Geomorphological and Geophysical Data

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume :08 | Issue : 01 | Page : 43-54

    N.J. Sathe,

  • Asmita A. Salvithal,

  • S.S. Nikam,

  1. Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, VVPIET, Maharashtra, India
  2. Researcher, Asmita Geotechnical Consultant, Maharashtra, India


The present work deals with the existing water structures available in the upper and lower Karha river basin of Purandar taluka, Pune District. Analysis of the existing structures, understanding the actual condition in upper and lower Karha river basin is carried out and the detailed investigations are countered. Geophysical investigation is carried out by Wenner method. Use of geophysical data has given the actual geology in the sub-surficial region of the study area. The Geomorphological analysis has envisaged to illustrate the surficial water conditions of the Karha basin. In geomorphic study, different aspects of the channel are covered like linear aspect of channel system, aerial aspects of channel system and relief aspect. So, those by covering the Geophysical, Geomorphological data in study area, Watershed is implemented. GIS 2 D maps, base maps and Digital Elevation Model have also satisfied the geophysical data for site selection for water management of upper Karha River basin.

Keywords: Geophysical parameters, Geomorphological parameters, Watershed Management, GIS.

[This article belongs to International Journal of Geological and Geotechnical Engineering (ijgge)]

How to cite this article:
N.J. Sathe, Asmita A. Salvithal, S.S. Nikam. Watershed Management of Karha Basin by Using Geohydrological, Geomorphological and Geophysical Data. International Journal of Geological and Geotechnical Engineering. 2023; 08(01):43-54.
How to cite this URL:
N.J. Sathe, Asmita A. Salvithal, S.S. Nikam. Watershed Management of Karha Basin by Using Geohydrological, Geomorphological and Geophysical Data. International Journal of Geological and Geotechnical Engineering. 2023; 08(01):43-54. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/ijgge/article=2023/view=90214

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Regular Issue Open Access Article
Volume 08
Issue 01
Received 06/06/2022
Accepted 14/06/2022
Published 14/01/2023