Examining the Benefits of Hybrid Solar Systems for the Production of Sustainable Energy

Year : 2023 | Volume : 01 | Issue : 01 | Page : 7-13

    Dhanraj S. Degure,

  1. Student, Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Deogiri Institute of Engineering & Management Studies, Chh. Sambhajinagar,, Maharashtra, India


A state-of-the-art energy solution, the hybrid solar system combines solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and solar thermal collectors to provide an effective and flexible method of capturing solar energy. The
hybrid solar system maximises the use of sunshine to produce energy and heat concurrently by integrating two technologies. While solar thermal collectors catch solar heat energy and transform it
into useful thermal energy for a variety of purposes, solar PV panels convert sunlight directly into electricity. High energy efficiency and system performance are guaranteed by the hybrid system’s intelligent design, which optimises the synergy between these two technologies. The system also includes sophisticated control mechanisms that enable smooth integration with the current power grid and energy storage systems, increasing its overall dependability and flexibility.

Keywords: DCDB, Solar Panel, Charging controller, Hybrid invertor

[This article belongs to International Journal of Energy and Thermal Applications (ijeta)]

How to cite this article:
Dhanraj S. Degure. Examining the Benefits of Hybrid Solar Systems for the Production of Sustainable Energy. International Journal of Energy and Thermal Applications. 2023; 01(01):7-13.
How to cite this URL:
Dhanraj S. Degure. Examining the Benefits of Hybrid Solar Systems for the Production of Sustainable Energy. International Journal of Energy and Thermal Applications. 2023; 01(01):7-13. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/ijeta/article=2023/view=118680

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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 01
Issue 01
Received 17/06/2023
Accepted 20/07/2023
Published 22/09/2023