A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Awareness Programme on Knowledge Regarding Health Problems Related to Smart Phone Addiction Among Adolescents Studying in a Selected School, Bangalore, Karnataka

Year : 2023 | Volume : 01 | Issue : 02 | Page : 9-13

    Kavita Reddy

  1. vector

    Sijo Koshy

  1. Professor/Hod, Aditya College of Nursing, Karnataka, India
  2. Professor/Principal, Maruti Institute of Nursing, Chhattisgarh, India


Aim: This study assesses the effectiveness of an awareness program on adolescents’ knowledge of health problems related to smartphone addiction. Objectives: (1) Evaluate adolescents’ understanding of health issues linked to smartphone addiction. (2) Measure the impact of the awareness program on their knowledge by comparing pre-test and post-test scores. (3) Investigate correlations between pre-test knowledge and sociodemographic variables. Method: A quantitative evaluative approach was used. The one-group pre-test post-test research design involved 60 adolescents (aged 13–16) from a school in Bangalore. Non-probability convenient sampling was employed, and data was collected via a structured questionnaire. Analysis was conducted using Excel. Results: Most participants (50%) were aged 15–16 years, and the majority (60%) of them were female. Half (50%) were in the 10th grade, and 80% belonged to nuclear families. About 60% of fathers had completed graduation, while 40% of mothers had finished secondary education. Most fathers (60%) were non-government employees, and the same percentage of mothers were non-government employees. Half (50%) of the subjects had a family income exceeding 30,000 rupees/month. Over half (67%) spent less than 2 hours daily on smartphones. A majority (85%) did not own smartphones, and 60% received information from family and friends. In the pre-test, 70% had average knowledge, while 30% had poor knowledge, and none had good knowledge. In the post-test, 73% had good knowledge, 27% had average knowledge, and none had poor knowledge. The pre-test knowledge score was 12.93, while the mean post-test knowledge score was 21.7. The ‘t’ value (17.97) was higher than the table value at the 0.05 level of significance. The average knowledge score increased by 8.77 points. Conclusion: The awareness program significantly improved students’ understanding of health issues related to smartphone addiction, indicating that it was effective and feasible.

Keywords: Awareness programme, smart phone, smart phone addiction

[This article belongs to International Journal of Evidence Based Nursing And Practices(ijebnp)]

How to cite this article: Kavita Reddy, Sijo Koshy A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Awareness Programme on Knowledge Regarding Health Problems Related to Smart Phone Addiction Among Adolescents Studying in a Selected School, Bangalore, Karnataka ijebnp 2023; 01:9-13
How to cite this URL: Kavita Reddy, Sijo Koshy A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Awareness Programme on Knowledge Regarding Health Problems Related to Smart Phone Addiction Among Adolescents Studying in a Selected School, Bangalore, Karnataka ijebnp 2023 {cited 2023 Oct 25};01:9-13. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/ijebnp/article=2023/view=0

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 01
Issue 02
Received October 6, 2023
Accepted October 19, 2023
Published October 25, 2023

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