The Role of Social Media Analytics in Integrated Marketing Communication and Understanding Consumer Behaviour: The Pathway to Optimal Customer Relationship Management

Year : 2023 | Volume : 01 | Issue : 01 | Page : 22-29

    Valentin Kuleto

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    Vladimir Matovic

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    Biljana Ilic

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    Svetlana Jokic

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    Mladen Radakovic

  1. Associate Professor, University Business Academy in Novi Sad, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Serbia
  2. Associate Professor, University Business Academy in Novi Sad, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Serbia
  3. Associate Professor, University Business Academy in Novi Sad, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Serbia
  4. Associate Professor, University Business Academy in Novi Sad, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Serbia
  5. Assistant Professor, Information Technology School, Belgrade, Serbia


This study explores the role of social media analytics in understanding consumer behavior within the context of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). Businesses now have access to a lot of data thanks to the spread of social media platforms, which can give them important insights into consumer preferences, attitudes, and behaviors. This study discusses the methodologies and tools used in social media analytics and how they can be leveraged to enhance IMC strategies and better understand consumer behavior. The study communicates the main topics of the research: social media analytics, integrated marketing communication, consumer behavior, and customer relationship management. It also suggests a connection between these topics, which is that social media analytics can enhance integrated marketing communication efforts, leading to a better understanding of consumer behavior and, ultimately, improved customer relationship management.

Keywords: Social media analytics, consumer behaviour, digital marketing, data analysis, business strategy, integrated marketing communications, customer relationship management

[This article belongs to International Journal of Electronics Automation(ijea)]

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How to cite this article: Valentin Kuleto, Vladimir Matovic, Biljana Ilic, Svetlana Jokic, Mladen Radakovic The Role of Social Media Analytics in Integrated Marketing Communication and Understanding Consumer Behaviour: The Pathway to Optimal Customer Relationship Management ijea 2023; 01:22-29
How to cite this URL: Valentin Kuleto, Vladimir Matovic, Biljana Ilic, Svetlana Jokic, Mladen Radakovic The Role of Social Media Analytics in Integrated Marketing Communication and Understanding Consumer Behaviour: The Pathway to Optimal Customer Relationship Management ijea 2023 {cited 2023 Aug 16};01:22-29. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 01
Issue 01
Received July 4, 2023
Accepted July 24, 2023
Published August 16, 2023

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