Advancements in Data Structures: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Real-world Applications

Year : 2024 | Volume :02 | Issue : 01 | Page : 14-20

Ushaa Eswaran,

Vivek Eswaran,

Keerthna Murali,

Vishal Eswaran,

  1. Principal and Professor Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Indira Institute of Technology and Sciences, Markapur Andhra Pradesh India
  2. Senior Software Engineer Tech Lead at Medallia, Austin Texas United States
  3. Secure Connection: Cybersecurity Site Reliability Engineer II (SRE) at Dell EMC | CKAD | AWS CSAA, Austin Texas United States
  4. Senior Data Engineer CVS Health Centre, Dallas Texas United States


In the rapidly advancing landscape of computer science, this study unfolds a comprehensive exploration of Data Structures, spanning from foundational principles to cutting-edge innovations. Data structures form the backbone of computational processes, and this study aims to dissect and illuminate their pivotal role. Beginning with fundamental concepts such as Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks, and Queues, the narrative progresses to intricate structures like Trees, Graphs, and Hash Tables. Practical applications in real-world scenarios are highlighted through case studies and tangible examples, offering a bridge between theory and application. The study encapsulates the dynamic essence of the field, providing insights into ongoing research and innovative trends, including the integration of machine learning and the application of bio-inspired structures. As we navigate the intricate web of Data Structures, this study seeks to unravel their significance and foster a deeper understanding of their implications in addressing contemporary computational challenges.

Keywords: Data structures, fundamental data structures, advanced data structures, real-world applications, research trends, innovations

[This article belongs to International Journal of Data Structure Studies(ijdss)]

How to cite this article: Ushaa Eswaran, Vivek Eswaran, Keerthna Murali, Vishal Eswaran. Advancements in Data Structures: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Real-world Applications. International Journal of Data Structure Studies. 2024; 02(01):14-20.
How to cite this URL: Ushaa Eswaran, Vivek Eswaran, Keerthna Murali, Vishal Eswaran. Advancements in Data Structures: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Real-world Applications. International Journal of Data Structure Studies. 2024; 02(01):14-20. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 02
Issue 01
Received January 19, 2024
Accepted January 21, 2024
Published February 21, 2024