An Investigative Study on Cache-Oblivious Data Structures

Year : 2023 | Volume :01 | Issue : 02 | Page : 33-37

Dwarampudi Aiswarya,


Manas Kumar Yogi,

  1. Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pragati Engineering College (Autonomous), Surampalem, Andhra Pradesh, India
  2. Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pragati Engineering College (Autonomous), Surampalem, Andhra Pradesh, India


Cache-oblivious data structures and data management systems have emerged as critical components in modern computing environments, aiming to optimize memory access patterns across different levels of the memory hierarchy without explicit knowledge of cache sizes or configurations. This study presents an overview of cache-oblivious techniques, including adaptive data structures, compression, parallel processing, and security considerations. The workexplores future directions in cache-oblivious systems, such as non-volatile memory support, graph processing, edge computing, energy efficiency, and machine learning applications. Furthermore, empirical evaluation and benchmarking methodologies are discussed to assess the practical performance of cache-oblivious solutions on diverse hardware platforms and workloads. By addressing these challenges and opportunities, cache-oblivious data structures and management systems have the potential to revolutionize memory management, storage optimization, and computational efficiency in a wide range of computing domains.

Keywords: Security and Privacy, data structures, Cache-Oblivious Algorithms,

[This article belongs to International Journal of Data Structure Studies (ijdss)]

How to cite this article:
Dwarampudi Aiswarya, Manas Kumar Yogi. An Investigative Study on Cache-Oblivious Data Structures. International Journal of Data Structure Studies. 2024; 01(02):33-37.
How to cite this URL:
Dwarampudi Aiswarya, Manas Kumar Yogi. An Investigative Study on Cache-Oblivious Data Structures. International Journal of Data Structure Studies. 2024; 01(02):33-37. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 01
Issue 02
Received 06/02/2024
Accepted 08/02/2024
Published 14/02/2024