Devansh Pandey,
Deepti Pande Rana,
- Student, Amity University, Lucknow Campus, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Associate Professor, Amity University , Lucknow Campus, Uttar Pradesh, India
In the age of heightening environment actuated calamities and the thriving intricacy of metropolitan scenes, the basic to implant catastrophe flexibility inside plan resounds with remarkable criticalness. This examination paper embraces a general odyssey, diving into the complicated interchange between inside plan and catastrophe flexibility inside the constructed climate. Drawing upon a tremendous embroidery of insightful writing, exact investigations, and genuine models, the paper fastidiously disentangles the multi-layered methodologies, developments, and intercessions that support tough inside plan. From the sensible determination of materials to the smart arrangement of spatial formats, the paper enlightens the heap manners by which inside planners can strengthen constructed conditions against the attack of debacles, guaranteeing the security, solace, and prosperity of tenants. Moreover, the paper explores the considerable hindrances blocking the far-reaching reception of catastrophe versatile plan rehearses, while at the same time diagramming a visionary direction towards development and interdisciplinary cooperative energy. At its quintessence, this exploration advocates for a change in outlook in inside plan — a shift established in all-encompassing stewardship, intense development, and unflinching obligation to the aggregate undertaking of protecting lives, supporting networks, and safeguarding the planet’s fragile balance. Highlighting a proactive stance, the study advocates for an anticipatory design framework in which evaluating risks and implementing disaster mitigation strategies are integrated into the core of the design process, rather than being secondary concerns. Consequently, this research not only urges for prompt action but also lays down a fundamental roadmap for forthcoming inquiries within the discipline.
Keywords: Inside plan, Fiasco flexibility, Assembled Climate, Plan methodologies, Interdisciplinary coordinated effort, Contextual investigations, Manageability, Environment transformation, and Metropolitan versatility.
[This article belongs to International Journal of Climate Conditions (ijcc)]
Devansh Pandey, Deepti Pande Rana. Interior Design for Disaster Resilience. International Journal of Climate Conditions. 2024; 01(01):01-15.
Devansh Pandey, Deepti Pande Rana. Interior Design for Disaster Resilience. International Journal of Climate Conditions. 2024; 01(01):01-15. Available from:
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Volume | 01 |
Issue | 01 |
Received | 22/04/2024 |
Accepted | 10/05/2024 |
Published | 13/05/2024 |