Prostate Cancer Detection Using Deep Learning

Year : 2024 | Volume :01 | Issue : 02 | Page : 21-26

Sachin Paithane

Sanika Padwalkar

Vivek Nikam

Prashant Pawar

Priti Warungse


Prostate Cancer is a cancer occurs in prostate gland which is located in male reproductive system. According to the WHO (World Health Organization) the estimated cancer cases in the year 2020 is about 1.4 Million. Prostate cancer is one of the reason for death in men. In this paper we have presented Secondary verification tool for doctors or for normal users to check patient have a cancer or not. And also other things are disused in this paper like implementation of the Deep learning CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) for detection of prostate cancer using input as ultrasound image [1]. We have discussed why we have selected Deep learning CNN algorithm for detecting prostate cancer in our previous paper which is also in titled as prostate cancer detection using deep learning. We are also discussing which libraries are required for implementing this project and other tools and hardware requirement for this project.

Keywords: Prostate Cancer, Prostate Cancer Detection, Deep Learning, CNN, Deep Learning Model, Medical use.

[This article belongs to International Journal of Biomedical Innovations and Engineering(ijbie)]

How to cite this article: Sachin Paithane, Sanika Padwalkar, Vivek Nikam, Prashant Pawar, Priti Warungse. Prostate Cancer Detection Using Deep Learning. International Journal of Biomedical Innovations and Engineering. 2023; 01(02):21-26.
How to cite this URL: Sachin Paithane, Sanika Padwalkar, Vivek Nikam, Prashant Pawar, Priti Warungse. Prostate Cancer Detection Using Deep Learning. International Journal of Biomedical Innovations and Engineering. 2023; 01(02):21-26. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 01
Issue 02
Received December 12, 2023
Accepted December 15, 2023
Published December 25, 2023