[{“box”:0,”content”:”[if 992 equals=”Open Access”]n
Open Access
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Narasimha Chary Ch, CH. GVN Prasad
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- [foreach 286] [if 1175 not_equal=””]n t
- Associate Professor, Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Indu College of Engineering & Technology, Sheriguda, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Indu College of Engineering & Technology, Sheriguda Telangana, Telangana India, India
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nTo diagnose respiratory problems early on, a contactless, non-invasive, real-time assessment of human vibration is a crucial prerequisite. Optoelectronic plethysmography (OEP) and the forced oscillation technique (FOT), two widely utilized methodologies, depend on variations in each patient’s local chest impedance. Calibration of the devices before to each measurement is hence the primary problem of these approaches. This report presents a simulation-based analysis to assess the effectiveness of the CT and DT Signals as a substitute. The study’s conclusion suggested that the SM-OFI might be employed as a vibration measurement tool. The outcomes also show that heart activity can be detected by CT and DT Signals. One of the main goals of clinical research and science is to determine vibration perception thresholds (VPT) in order to evaluate human somatosensory capabilities. Seldom has the reaction of several mechanoreceptors to a growing contact force been investigated. Our hypothesis is that the VPTs of fast-adapting mechanoreceptors in the human foot sole drop as contact force increases. Using a vibration exciter, the VPTs of ten healthy volunteers were recorded at 30 Hz and 200 Hz at the right foot’s heel. An integrated force sensor allowed for exact adjustment of contact forces within the range of 0.3 N to 9.6 N. Contact force and frequency were found to have significant major effects. Additionally, a significant relationship was seen between frequency and contact force, indicating that an increase in contact force had an impact. We assume that the Meissner and Pacinian corpuscles follow the same rules for contrast enhancement and spatial summation, respectively. Because Pacinian corpuscles are located in the periosteum or interosseous membrane, we assume that they have an impact on them in addition to spatial summation.
Keywords: Meissner and Pacinian corpuscles; self-mixing effect; evolutionary approach; vibrations measuring; visual output interferometry in; diagnostic instrument
n[if 424 equals=”Regular Issue”][This article belongs to International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis Review(ijadar)]
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International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis Review
Volume | 02 | |
[if 424 equals=”Regular Issue”]Issue[/if 424][if 424 equals=”Special Issue”]Special Issue[/if 424] [if 424 equals=”Conference”][/if 424] | 01 | |
Received | April 10, 2024 | |
Accepted | April 30, 2024 | |
Published | May 30, 2024 |
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