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Dr. Laxmikant Borse
Sandip Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nashik, Maharashtra, India 422213
Editor in Chief
Research and Reviews: A Journal of Pharmacology
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About the Journal
Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmacology [2229-7006(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2011 and focused on the rapid publication of fundamental research papers on all areas of Pharmacology.
Focus and Scope
Clinical Pharmacology:Partial Agonist,Plasma Drug Concentration,Effect Compartment,Semilogarithmic Plot,Biochemicals ,Receptors & transporter agonists & antagonists,Signaling & enzyme inhibitors & activators,Ion channel modulators.
Psychopharmacology: antipsychotics, Mood Stabilizers, Antidepressants, Benzodiazepines, Stimulants, mental disability; psychiatric disorders; psychiatric treatment.
Molecular Diagnostics: DNA extraction,Analysis,Nanostring,PCR,ddPCR,GenomicsNCG Services,Sanger Sequencing,CLIA,Molecular Diagnostics,Pharmacogenomics,qPCR,Mutation Detection,Fragment Analysis
Drug Metabolism: Conjugation; Cytochrome P450; Drug metabolism; Drug transporters; Liver metabolism; Phase I, II, and III metabolism enzyme, Bioactivation, Drug discovery and development, Drug metabolism, Metabolite, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Safety, Toxicity.
Dosology and Pharmacognosy: Drug-Induced agranulocytosis; Agranulocytosis; Neutropenia, Elderly patients; Infections; Hematopoietic Growth Factors,
Pharmacotherapy: Aerosol Performance,
Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology: G Proteins, Opioid receptors, phospholipase c, protein kinase c, aromatase inhibitors, breast cancer, phase 2 drug metabolism, Structure of Drug-Receptor Complex, Drug Transport / Metabolism
Endocrine Pharmacology: Regulatory toxicological studies, safety pharmacology, organ weight changes, Dynamics function tests
- Clinical Pharmacology
- Psychopharmacology
- Molecular Diagnostics
- Neuropharmacology
- Pharmacogenetics
- Pharmacogenomics
- Theoretical Pharmacology
- Dosology and Pharmacognosy
- Toxicology
- Environmental Pharmacology
- Drug Safety
- Pharmacotherapy
- Medicinal chemistry
- Drug Metabolism
- Molecular and Cellular pharmacology
- Endocrine Pharmacology