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Dr. A.S.N. Chakravarthy

Dr. A.S.N. Chakravarthy

JNTUK-University College of Engineering Vizianagaram Dwarapudi(Village), Andhra Pradesh, India
Editor in Chief
Journal of Open Source Developments
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Focus and Scope


About the Journal

Journal of Open Source Developments [2395-6704(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2014. The basic principle for open source developments is that by sharing source code, developers cooperate under a model of systematic peer review, and take advantage of parallel debugging that leads to innovation and rapid advancement.

Focus and Scope

  • Tools of open source development: Biomedical imaging, cardiovascular modeling, Virtual Physiological Human, personalized simulations, open source software, Dashboards, Energy efficiency, Adaptable systems, communities of practice, legitimate peripheral participation, open source projects, open source software community, qualitative study.
  • Open source software projects, products, and processes: Software measurement, Open source software, Usability, Application software, Human-computer interaction, Internet, Guidelines, Signal design, User-centered design, Collaboration, HCI, usability, open source, user-centric design, Open source software, Software quality, Quality management, Software Testing, Project management, Risk management, Programming, Documentation, Quality assurance, Phase measurement, open source software quality, open source software community, OSS quality, closed-source software development, software testing, Open source software, Software engineering, Collaboration, Computer science, Collaborative software, Computer languages, open source software development, motivation, learning theory, legitimate peripheral participation, software engineering, Open source software, Computer Society, Programming, Software metrics, Computer industry, Scalability, Data security, Costs, Software systems.
  • Open source software artifacts and open source communities: Communities, Production, Data mining, Crawlers, Open source software, Ecosystems, Open Source; Crowd Wisdom; Software Production Communities, Software Consumption Communities; OSSEAN, OSSEAN, open source software,crowd-based software production model, open source software evaluating, analyzing and networking platform, software production communities, software consumption communities, public domain software, software engineering, software performance evaluation, dependency resolution, open source software, software reuse, Source infrastructure, open source code, search engines, Open source software, Software libraries,Documentation, Costs,Java, Performance analysis, Uncertainty, Data mining,Databases, Software tools, Collaborative software, Open source software, Opportunistic software systems development, Programming, Java, Sun, Communities, Online Communities/Technical Collaboration, Electric breakdown, Feedback, Collaboration, Conflict Negotiation, Leadership, Process, Open Source Software Development, Netbeans.org.
  • Economic analyses of open source: Printers, Three-dimensional displays, Open source hardware, Fabrication, Scientific instruments, Manufacturing processes, 3-D printing, additive manufacturing, distributed manufacturing, metal processing, MIG welding, open-source, open-source electronics, open-source hardware, personal fabrication, printing, rapid prototyping, scientific hardware, scientific instruments, low-cost open-source metal 3-d printer, open-source self-replicating rapid prototyper, RepRap community, additive manufacturing, polymer-based materials, open-source metal alternative, commercialized metal 3-D printers, small and medium enterprises, open-source microcontroller, low-cost commercial gas-metal arc welder, delta bot RepRap, Rostock, mechanical design schematics, electrical design schematics, preliminary technical analysis, steel products, customized functional metal parts printing, mass distribution, bill of materials, OSS, online collaboration, performance metrics, survival analysis.
  • Legal aspects of open source software: Free software, open source, forks, forking, social, legal, sustainability, software evolution, Software Development, Software Engineering, Software Engineer, Product Family, Software Development Project, Commercial Organization, Commercial Setting, Software Engineering Community, Commercial Client, Commercial Software Development.
  • Bug trackers and task lists: Mining Software Repositories (MSR), Empirical Software Engineering and Measurements (ESEM), Automated Software Engineering (ASE), GitHub Project, Lifetime Issues, Pending Issues, Creation Issues, Feature Requests, User experience, open UX design, Firefox, OpenOffice.org, design, FLOSS, open source, activity awareness, complex teamwork, Recommendation System, Interaction Data, Edit Event, Integrate Development Environment, Version Control System.
  • Version control systems: Metamodelling, delta calculation, revision control, UML, Hash Function, Intrusion Detection, Data Block, Random Oracle, Message Authentication Code, scientific data management, multi-dimensional array, statistics, linear algebra, Release History Database, version control, bug tracking systems, historical information, software evolution, merge points, large open source project, Mozilla, database population, secure cloud backup system, cloud storage, remote cloud provider, outsourced data backup, FadeVersion,version-controlled backup design, cryptographic protection, fine-grained assured deletion, proof-of-concept prototype automatic version control, collaborative writing, word processing facilities, document files, document level versioning mechanisms, screen dumps, application scenario.
  • Methodology and data sources: Intelligent maritime navigation, AIS data survey, anomaly detection, route estimation, collision prediction, path planning, intelligent maritime navigation, automatic identification system, vessel movement, electronic exchange, navigation data, vessels, onboard transceiver, satellite base stations, maritime safety, marine data mining, marine intelligence research, AIS data, Data Analysis, Quality Management, Databases, Manufacturing, Data engineering, Engineering Management, Large-scale systems, Marketing and sales, Joining processes, Resource management, data quality management, step-by-step methodology, data quality parameters, data manufacturing process, data source, collection method, undesirable characteristics, database design process, quality management, Data models, Predictive models, Business, Industries, Analytical models, Knowledge engineering, Safety, discrete data samples, empirical data analysis, EDA, ensemble functions, continuous probability density function, data-rich environment, nonparametric square centrality, graph theory, nonparametric estimator, information-theoretic learning theory, Parzen window 
  • Watermarking Techniques: Image resolution, Watermarking, Digital images, Signal resolution, Image quality, Degradation, Robustness, Image processing, Transform coding, Image coding, multiresolution watermarking, digital images, digital watermark embedding, secret information concealment, unauthorized copying prevention, multiresolution signal decomposition, host image, multiresolution representations, image quality degradation, image processing operations robustness, JPEG lossy compression robustness, DWT, permutations, watermarking, copyright protection, information security, text structure, Watermarking, Copyright protection, Internet, Cryptography, Steganography, Computer science, Information security, Intellectual property, Data mining, Digital image watermarking, Robust, Fragile, Semifragile Watermarking, DCT, DWT, AT, IWT, PSNR, MSE, NC, digital image watermarking, copyright protection, content authentication, ownership identification, data integrity, spatial domain, geometric attacks, frequency transform domain, geometric processing attack, image processing attack, Digital Watermarking, Least Significant Bit (LSB) Patchwork Algorithm, Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Discrete Furier Transform (DFT) And Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Watermarking, Conferences, Digital images, Frequency-domain anlysis, Discrete cosine transforms, Discrete wavelet transforms, Market research.
  • Watermarking Methods: Watermarking, Wavelet coefficients, Quantization, Copyright protection, Transform coding, Image coding, Low pass filters, Filtering, Gaussian noise, PSNR, Blind, copyright protection, significant coefficient difference, watermark, wavelet, watermarking method, wavelet coefficient quantization, blind watermarking algorithm, copyright protection, seven nonoverlap wavelet coefficients, local maximum wavelet coefficient, watermark extraction, watermarked image, JPEG compression, low-pass filtering, Gaussian noise, Digital images, Watermarking, Image resolution, Humans, Visual system, Noise robustness, Filtering algorithms, Degradation, Transform coding, Image coding.