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Focus and Scope

Last Update: 16-Jan-23


About the Journal

International Journal of Transportation Engineering and Traffic System [2456-2343(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2015 that provides a platform that delivers high-impact articles and research reviews in the field of transportation engineering, focusing on railroad, harbors, airport and highway engineering. Journal also covers intelligent transportations system, traffic operations, and control, and other related technological advancements. 

Focus and Scope

  • Traffic engineering: Traffic Management Technology, Traffic and demand management, Traffic safety, transport safety, traffic policies and economics, traffic information, management, traffic information engineering, and Traffic control.

  • Mode of transportation: Road Transportation, Maritime Transportation, Air Transportation, Rail Transportation, Intermodal Transportation, Pipeline.

  • Transport Engineering: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Transportation networks, Multimodal transportation, Transportation economics and land use, Transportation economics and policy, Transportation models, Sustainable transportation, Transportation project Management, Transportation planning and technology, Transportation demand and system management, vehicles, and equipment, Transportation terminals.


  • Highway engineering
  • Railroad engineering
  • Port and harbor engineering
  • Airport engineering
  • Intelligent Transportation System
  • Pavement engineering
  • Traffic operations and control
  • Traffic safety under mixed traffic flow
  • Heterogeneous traffic-flow modeling and simulation
  • Activity-based travel demand modeling
  • Transportation Networks & Models
  • Planning, Design & Construction of the transport system
  • Economics and Environmental aspects of Transportation
  • Computational techniques in Transportation
  • Multi-Modal Transportation
  • Pavement materials and characterization
  • Recycling of Pavements Materials
  • New technology for the construction of pavements
  • Non-destructive Tests and quality control of pavements
  • Mobility and travel behavior
  • Transportation safety and security
  • Transportation economics
  • Transportation planning and policy
  • Human factors in transportation
  • ntelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
  • Freight transport and logistics
  • Air and waterway transport
  • Transportation impacts of emerging vehicle technologies
  • Environmental issues in transportation and climate change amid and stochastic modeling of transportation networks