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Dr. Basavaraj Kawdi

Dr. Basavaraj Kawdi

Bheemanna Khandre Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India 585328
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Structural Mechanics and finite elements
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Focus and Scope

Last Update: 17-Jan-23


About the Journal

International Journal of Structural Mechanics and Finite Elements [2582-5054(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2015 that publishes refereed papers of the highest quality reflecting the interest of scholars in academic and industrial research and development. Papers are sought based on the importance of both theoretical knowledge and experimental research. The journal includes the type of papers that fall under the scope of structural mechanics and finite elements.

Focus and Scope

  • Structural dynamics: Mutual information, Transfer entropy, Information flow, Nonlinearity, Structural dynamics, Finite volume method, Structural dynamics, Vortex-induced plate vibration, Channel flow with elastic walls.

  • Seismic engineering: Pure aluminum, Material testing, Aluminium heat treatment, Strain rate, Aluminium welding, Heat affected zone, Seismic Performance, Performance Based Design, Seismic Demand, Capacity, ADRS Spectrum, Target Displacement, Performance Objectives, Push-over Analysis, Capacity Spectrum, Static Analysis, Nonlinear Analysis, Damage Control, Life Safety, Collapse Prevention, Immediate Occupancy.

  • Geometrical and mathematical finalization: Automotive pollution, Computational fluid dynamics, Mathematical, optimization, Saddle point.

  • Minimization Theorem finalization: ESCT, Maitra, Complex term, Wave cascade, Reversible circuit, Exact minimization, Heuristic minimization, Six variables.

  • Boundary element method, finite strip techniques: Boundary element method, Finite strip method, Free vibration, Buckling analysis, Locally distributed loads.

  • Industrial FEM codes (NASTRAN, AXIS, FEM-DESIGN, SOFISTIK): Structural optimization, topology optimization, shape optimization, sizing, optimization software.

  • Element interconnection: Through-silicon interposer (TSI), Si-less interconnection technology (SLIT), Finite element analysis (FEA), Solder joint reliability, Stress analysis.

  • Finite element machine: Finite element method, Pattern classification, Pattern Recognition, Finite element methods, Iron, Stators, Magnetic flux, Circuits, Computational efficiency, Forging, Torque, Induction machines, Computational modeling.

  • Isogeometric analysis: Isogeometric analysis, NURBS, Finite elements, CAD, Isogeometric collocation, Isogeometric analysis, Nonlinear, Hyperelasticity, Elastoplasticity, NLIGA, Open source.


  • Seismic engineering
  • Isogeometric analysis
  • Minimization Theorem finalization
  • Element interconnection