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Dr. H. Anandakumar
Professor & Head – Research
Sri Eshwar Engineering College, Kondampatti [Post], Vadasithur (via), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India 641202
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Software Computing and Testing
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About the Journal
International Journal of Software Computing and Testing [2456-2351(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2015. It welcomes research papers and editorial reviews concerning the development of software computing and testing. Fuzzy computing, hybrid methods, immunological computing, and morphic computing are a few topics that are included in the scope and focus of the journal.
Focus and Scope
Evolutionary computing: Search and Optimization, Evolutionary algorithm, Quantum computing, Objective function, analytical optimization algorithm, quantum computing, evolutionary algorithm, qubits, superposition state, hand quantum gates, gear train design problem, Cloud computing, Processor scheduling, Sociology, Software algorithms, Evolutionary computation, Scheduling, Statistics.
Fuzzy computing: Fuzzy systems, Fuzzy control, Interpolation, Hybrid intelligent systems, Hardware, Expert systems, Telecommunication computing, Telematics, Shape control, Circuits, learning (artificial intelligence), function approximation, fuzzy logic, neural nets, fuzzy set theory, search problems, inference mechanisms, estimation theory.
Hybrid methods: Optimization methods, Stochastic processes, Hypercubes, Computer science, Software engineering, Iterative algorithms, Search methods, Benchmark testing, Genetic algorithms, Hybrid power systems, Electricity supply industry, History, Fuzzy neural networks, Stochastic processes, Uncertainty, Neural networks, Power generation, Cities and towns, Electronic mail.
Morphic computing: Morphic computing inspired Hopfield model, sensorimotor transformation,vestibule-ocular system, dendritic arbors, fractal geometries, nonlinear geometry, Hopfield-like neural net model, quantum Hopfield neural net model, quantum holography, nonorthogonal pattern code, Quantum holography, Quantum morphogenetic System, Sensorimotor transformation, Vestibule-OcularSystem(VOS).
Neuro computing: Formation flight, fixed wing UAV, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system,leader-follower approach, cooperative control, low-level control, top-level control, multi UAV, autopilot system,leader-follower configuration, Conferences, Information systems, Adaptive systems, Adaptation models, Fuzzy logic, Aerospace control, Military aircraft.
Particle swarm: Particle swarm optimized particle filter, visual tracking, particle swarm optimization, particle impoverishment, dependency problem, particle samples, higher likelihood areas, true posterior probability density function, real-time estimation, a tracking problem, swarm size, multiswarm particle swarm optimization algorithm, MSPSO, optimization problems.
Software development tools: Software engineering tools, Tools of the Trade, infographics, software engineering, Software development, Guidelines, Software engineering, Debugging, cognitive load drivers, scale software development, cognitive aspects, information systems, software engineers, large-scale software engineering.