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Editor Overview
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Dr. Jasmi Manu
Principal/ Dean
Rama University, Uttar Pradesh, India 209217
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Midwifery Nursing And Practices
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About the Journal
International Journal of Midwifery Nursing and Practices is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2015 that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period (including care of the newborn), besides the sexual and reproductive health of women throughout their lives. It focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life.
Focus and Scope
- Primary Care: Primary Health Care, Health Service Utilisation, Equity And Access To Health Services, Basic Health Care, Chronic Conditions In Primary Care, Infectious Disease In Primary Care, Informatics In Primary Care, Medication In Primary Care, Health Promotion, Epidemiological Research.
- Gynaecologic And Family Planning Services: Environmental Factors, Public Health, Gynaecology, Quality Of Life, Endometriosis, Infections, Burnout, Infertility, Early Pregnancy Loss, Preterm Birth.
- Preconception Care: Trends In Prenatal Medicine, Technological Development, Pregnancy Physiology, and Physiopathology, Pregnancy Immunology, Epidemiology, Pregnancy-Related Disease, Ultrasound In Prenatal Medicine, Worldwide Diversity In Prenatal Care.
- Care During Pregnancy: Pregnancy, Foetus, Neonatal Health, Nutrition, Lipids, Protein, Human Milk, Infections: Viruses, Bacterial, Congenital Malformations (With Antenatal Diagnostic), Diseases Of Nutrition During Pregnancy And/or Neonatal Diseases, Human Milk, Human Milk Banking, Human Milk Donation, Cord Blood Donation.
- Childbirth And The Postpartum Period: Preconception, Pregnancy, Postpartum, Gestational Weight Gain, Obesity, Lifestyle, Public Health.
- Advanced Health Assessment: Health Assessment, Health Evaluation, Outcome Assessment, Process Assessment, Health Approaches, Health Intervention, Health Care, Patients’ Care, Physical Health, Mental Health.
- Health Promotion And Disease Prevention: Disease Prevention, Health Promotion, Health Intervention, Analysis Approach, Statistical Modelling, Impact Analysis.
- Clinical Pharmacology: Clinical Pharmacology, Clinical Trials, Drug Development Drug Safety, Pharmacovigilance, Toxicology, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Pharmacogenetics.
- Cultural And Linguistic Competency: Cultural Competence, Diversity, Healthcare, Healthcare Education, Clinical Communication, Health Inequalities.
- Issues In Nurse-Midwifery Professional Practice: Cultural, Clinical, Psycho-Social, Sociological, Epidemiological, Education, Managerial, Workforce.
- Primary Care
- Gynaecologic and family planning services
- Preconception care
- Care during pregnancy
- Childbirth and the postpartum period
- Advanced Health Assessment
- Nurse-midwifery management of the antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum woman
- Nurse-midwifery management of complications
- Health promotion and Disease Prevention
- Assessment and management of common primary care signs and symptoms
- Clinical pharmacology
- Assessment and Management of psychiatric symptoms
- Issues in nurse-midwifery professional practice
- Cultural and linguistic competency
Last Update: 10-Apr-23