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Dr. D.P.S. Rathore

Dr. D.P.S. Rathore

Senior Scientist
Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research, Department of Atomic Energy., Rajasthan, India 302020
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Mineral
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Focus and Scope

About the Journal

International Journal of Mineral is a peer-reviewed open-access journal launched in 2024 that aims to publish high-quality research articles, reviews, and letters in the field of mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, and mineral exploration. The journal is dedicated to providing a platform for researchers, scientists, academics, and industry professionals to disseminate their findings, innovations, and insights in the mineral sciences. The journal promotes open and rigorous scientific discourse, and encourages the submission of high-quality manuscripts that are well-supported by data and that adhere to ethical and professional standards of research.

Focus and Scope

  • Mineralogy: Crystallography, Crystal chemistry, Crystal growth, Crystal morphology, Mineral Properties, Thorium and Rare Earth elements, Mineral classification, Mineral identification, Mineralogy databases, Mineralogical analysis, Mineralogical applications, Mineralogical research, Optical mineralogy, X-ray diffraction, Single-crystal X-ray diffraction, Powder diffraction, Electron microscopy, Spectroscopy, Thermal analysis, Mineral thermodynamics, Mineral formation and evolution, Mineralogy and petrology, Mineralogy and geochemistry, Crystallographic databases, Crystallographic software, Mineralogy of economic deposits, Mineralogy of industrial minerals, Mineralogy of gemstones.


  • Geochemistry: Trace elements, major, minor, and trace analysis, Isotope geochemistry, Radiogenic isotopes, Stable isotopes, Geochemical cycles, Organic geochemistry, Biogeochemistry, Atmospheric chemistry, Hydrogeochemistry of natural waters, Marine geochemistry, Sedimentary geochemistry, Igneous geochemistry, Metamorphic geochemistry, Geochemical modeling, Thermodynamics, Geochemical processes, Geochemical analysis, Environmental geochemistry, Biomineralization, Geochronology, Geochemical databases, Mineralogy and geochemistry, Mineral-fluid interaction, Mineral-water interaction, Water pollution studies dealing with trace elements, Mineral surface chemistry.
  • Petrology: Igneous rocks, Sedimentary rocks, Metamorphic rocks, Petrogenetic processes, Magma genesis, Rock texture, Rock composition, Metamorphic facies, Metamorphic grade, Tectonics and petrology, Metamorphic reactions, Petrology of hydrothermal systems, Rock deformation, Petrology and mineralogy of economic deposits, Mineral thermobarometry, Geochronology, Petrological databases, Petrological analysis, Petrological research, Petrological processes, Petrological modeling, Petrological methods, Experimental petrology, Volcanology, Plutonism, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Basin analysis, Tectonics and basin analysis, Geochronology and basin analysis.
  • Mineral exploration: Geological mapping, Geochemical sampling, Geophysical surveys, Remote sensing, Mineral prospecting, Drilling, Mineral resource estimation, Ore deposit models, Mineral exploration methods, Mineral exploration techniques, Mineralogy of ore deposits, Mineralogy of mine wastes, Mineral deposit geology, Mineral exploration software, Mining regulations, Mineral leaching, Mineral extraction, Mineral beneficiation including Uranium, Mineral reserves, Mineral reserves estimation, Mining safety, Mineral economics, Exploration geophysics, Environmental impact of mining, Sustainable mining.
  • Mineralogy and crystallography: Crystal structure, Mineral properties, Crystal morphology, Crystal growth, Mineral classification, Mineralogy, X-ray diffraction, Single-crystal X-ray diffraction, Powder diffraction, Electron microscopy, Crystallography, Symmetry, Space groups, Crystallographic databases, Crystal chemistry, Crystal defects, Crystallographic methods, Crystallographic software, Mineral identification, Mineralogy databases, Mineralogical analysis, Mineralogical applications, Mineralogical research, Mineralogy and petrology.
  • Geochemistry and mineralogy: Mineral chemistry, Isotope geochemistry, Trace element geochemistry, Ore deposits, Hydrothermal systems, Geochemical cycles, Stable isotopes, Radiogenic isotopes, Thermodynamics, Geochemical modeling, Mineral surface chemistry, Mineral-water interaction, Mineral-fluid interaction, Crystal chemistry, Crystal defects, Geochemical databases, Mineralogy databases, Mineralogical analysis, Mineralogical applications, Mineralogical research, Petrology, Geochemical analysis, Geochemical exploration, Geochemical processes, Environmental geochemistry.
  • Petrology and mineralogy: Igneous rocks, Sedimentary rocks, Metamorphic rocks, Mineral assemblages, Mineral paragenesis, Petrogenetic processes, Magma genesis, Rock texture, Rock composition, Metamorphic facies, Metamorphic grade, Tectonics and petrology, Metamorphic reactions, Petrology of hydrothermal systems, Rock deformation, Petrology and mineralogy of economic deposits, Mineralogical applications in petrology, Geochronology, Mineral thermobarometry, Petrological databases, Mineralogy databases, Mineralogical analysis, Mineralogical research, Petrological processes, Petrological modeling, Petrological methods.
  • Mineral exploration and mining: Mineral prospecting, Exploration geophysics, Remote sensing, Geochemistry of exploration, Mineral exploration methods, Mineral exploration techniques, Geologic mapping, Drilling, Mineral resource estimation, Mineral resource classification, Mineral economics, Mining Engineering, Mineral processing, Extractive metallurgy, Environmental impact of mining, Mineral exploration software, Mining regulations, Mineral extraction, Mineral reserves, Mineral reserves estimation, Mining safety, Mineralogy of ore deposits, Mineralogy of mine wastes, Mineralogy and mining, Mining and society, Sustainable mining.
  • Applied mineralogy: Industrial minerals, Building materials, Refractories, Glassmaking, Ceramics, Cement, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, Environmental mineralogy, Soil mineralogy, Mineral-based adsorbents, Mineral-based catalysts, Mineral-based pigments, Gemstones, Mineral fibers, Nanominerals, Mineralogical applications in forensic science, Mineralogical applications in archaeology, Mineralogical applications in art conservation, Mineralogical applications in cultural heritage, Mineralogical applications in agriculture, Mineralogical applications in geotechnical engineering, Mineralogical applications in the oil and gas industry, Substantial improvement or advantage over existing technology or methods, and demonstrated analytical applicability.


  • Mineralogy
  • Crystallography
  • Geochemistry
  • Petrology
  • Mineral exploration
  • Mining
  • Applied mineralogy
  • Mineral resources
  • Mineral processing
  • Mineral engineering
  • Mineral economics
  • Mineral policy
  • Mineral sustainability
  • Mineralogy and environment
  • Mineralogy and health
  • Mineralogy and industry
  • Mineralogy and technology