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Editor Overview

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Dr. B. Raghu Kumar

Dr. B. Raghu Kumar

Professor and Head
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Prasad V. Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh, India 520007
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Mechanics and Design
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Focus and Scope


About the Journal

International Journal of Mechanics and Design [2582-2896(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2015 that provides a forum for scholarly work dealing with mechanics. The purpose of the journal is to promote the recent advances that can create a lasting impact on ongoing research. From time to time journal will publish peer-reviewed papers that are research and development oriented and is of interest to the readers. Journal ensures that only good quality papers are published depending upon the originality and relevance of the paper.

Focus and Scope

  • Quantum mechanics: Quantum Mechanic b, Quantum Theory, Physical Theory, Measurement Theory, Quantum Measurement.Continuum mechanics, carbon steels: Wear, Modelling, Mapping, Abrasion, Severe wear, Mild wear, Bauschinger effect, Strain hardening, Carbon steel, Microstructure, Homogenization.

  • Biomechanics, Gas Turbines: Gas turbines, air pollution control, hydrogen, compressors, combined cycle power stations, fuel, Blades, Compressors, Cooling, Flow (Dynamics), Fuels, Gas turbines, Hydrogen, Natural gas, Pressure, Steam, Turbines, Machinery, Combustion, Temperature, Airflow, Nitrogen oxides, Enthalpy, Nitrogen, Design.

  • Analysis and concept of machine and structural components: Machine Tool, Cast Iron, Topological Optimisation, Friction Stir Welding, Friction Stir Welding, Machine tool, Damping, Composites, Hybrid materials, Experimental modal analysis.

  • Experimental Stress Analysis: Extruding, Metalworking, Stress analysis (Engineering), Analytical methods, Cylinders, Metals, Particulate matter, Pressing, Stress, Stress concentration, Temperature.

  • Multibody dynamics: Multibody dynamics, Research topics, Research trends, Community, vehicle dynamics, simulation, tire model, multibody dynamics simulation software.

  • Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation with Computational Inverse Methods: Neural Network, Finite Element Method, Dynamic Response, Solid Surface, Elastic Wave, Eddy current modeling, quantitative NDE, reciprocity formulas, thin skin theory, eddy current inversion, pulsed eddy current.


  • Gas Turbines
  • Carbon steels
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Meshless Methods

Last Update: 17-Jan-23