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Dr. Mohamed Hasan Gadallah

Dr. Mohamed Hasan Gadallah

Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Industrial and Product Design Engineering
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Institutional Profile Link : http://staff.eng.cu.edu.eg/mhg


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Focus and Scope

Last Update: 25-Sep-24


About the Journal

International Journal of Industrial and Product Design Engineering is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2015 that is devoted to the publication of fundamental studies in industrial design and engineering, with an emphasis on operational research. Journal particularly welcomes papers from newly emerging areas as well as traditional fields that form the core of industrial engineering. Journal welcomes all major types of scientific communications original research articles, review articles, editorials as well as short communication that fall under the focus and scope of the journal. The nature of information expected from contributions should preferably be based on the practical aspect of the subject.

Focus and Scope

  • Operations research and optimization techniques: Objective Function, Operation Research, Decision Variable, Integer Programming, Linear Programming Problem.

  • Supply chain management and logistics: Internet of Things (IoT), supply chain management, industry 4.0, supply chain processes, smart supply chain, Supply chains, Radio frequency identification, Internet, Supply chain management, Information analysis, IP networks, Information retrieval, Drugs, Flowcharts, Pharmaceuticals.

  • Systems simulation and stochastic processes: Simulation, Stochastic processes, Engineering mechanics, Fast Fourier transforms, Random vibration, Spectral energy distribution, Structural engineering.

  • Statistical process control or quality control: Batch processes, Control charts, Fault diagnosis, Multivariable processes, Principal component analysis, Process monitoring, Statistical process control.

  • Predetermined motion time system: Working conditions (physical), Manufacturing, assembly workload, Methods-Time Measurement (MTM), Modular Arrangement of Predetermined Time Standards (MODAPTS), and Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST).

  • Productivity improvement: Construction Productivity, Construction Industry, Productivity Trends, USA, Construction Industry, Construction Productivity, Manufacturing, Cambodia, Continuous Improvement, Program & Project Management, Supply Chain Management.

  • Quality assurance, and inventory control: Quality assurance system, Radio frequency identification, Improvement plan, Economic Production Quantity, Inventory, Quality.

  • System and personnel safety: Personnel safety of the enterprise, personnel potential, personnel, mechanism of ensuring personnel safety of the enterprise, Personnel, Safety, Structural beams, Linear particle accelerator, Protection, Machine control, Control systems, Storage rings, System testing, X-rays.

  • Value analysis: Product quality and reliability, Reliability, Quality assessment, Product design, Health and safety, Manufacturing, Total quality management, Manufacturing processes, Degradation, Reliability, Upper bound, Manufacturing systems, Assembly, the Engineering profession, Manufacturing industries, Random variables, Semiconductor device noise.


  • Quality assurance
  • Inventory control
  • Human resource management
  • Logistics
  • Supply chain management