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ijbcc maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.
Professor and Program Head
KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Broadband Cellular Communication
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About the Journal
International Journal of Broadband Cellular Communication [2455-8532(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2015 aiming to facilitate scientific communication between academicians and industries to make a sufficient contribution towards ever-changing technology. Journals publish original, high-quality papers that are peer-reviewed by our expert editorial team.
Focus and Scope
Base Station Management: Heterogeneous network, Association mechanism, Energy efficiency, Device-to-Device communications, SBS management mechanism, mobile radio, optimization, HeNB (Home e-Node Base), GNSS augmentation.
Wideband CDMA: Frequency Division Duplex, Time Division Duplex, Phone technology, Wireless communication systems, Frequency bands, Data rate transmission, Bandwidth, Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS), and Power Spectral Density (PSD).
Direct Sequence CDMA: Code Sequence, Chip Sequence, Spread-Spectrum Modulation, Signal, Transmitter, BPSK Demodulator, Orthogonal Codes, Hybrid acquisition, and Sequential Detection.
Multicode CDMA: High-speed data communications, Multicode interference, RAKE Receiver, Complex spreading, Interference cancellation, Code division multiple access, Digital radio, Packet radio networks, and Wireless Networks.
Channel Capacity: Communication channel, noisy-channel coding theorem, error correction coding, Shannon capacity, additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), Bandlimited AWGN channel, Frequency-selective AWGN channel, Slow-fading channel, Fast-fading channel.
Multi-User MIMO Systems: Uplink, Downlink, Dirty Paper Coding, MAC, BC, Channel State Information at the Receiver, CSIR.
Multi-hop Networks Wireless sensor networks, Wireless mesh networks, Mobile ad hoc networks, Smart phone ad hoc networks, Mobile networks with stationary multi-hop relays, broadcast networks, transceivers.
Multiple-input and multiple-output Relay Channel: Optimal relay amplifying matrix, channel state information,two-stage training algorithm, channel estimation algorithm, Proposed channel estimation algorithm, Trilinear alternating LS, Channel estimation.
MIMO Antenna Design: MIMO UWB antenna, Isolation, Mutual coupling, ECC (envelope correlation coefficients), transmitter, receiver, single radio channel, digital-signal processing, vector signal generators, vector signal analyzers.
MIMO Prototyping: Testbed design, Prototyping, ASIP, Processor, Internet of Things (IoT), Single Antenna Mobile Station, Multi-Antenna Mobile Station.
Call establishment procedure: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), Session Description Protocol (SDP), Public Key Infrastructure, Domain Name System (DNS), reverse control Channel.
Call clearing procedures: Common-channel signaling, automated information system (AIS), storage devices, and Disengagement originator.
Last Update: 31-Dec-22