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Dr. Ao Yuan
Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
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About the Journal
International Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2023 concerning recent advancements and emerging technology in computational biology and bioinformatics. Journal also covers a wide range of topics including synthetic biology and structural genomics. Journal publishes both experimental and theoretical papers.
Focus and Scope
- Bioinformatics, Biophysics, and Biostatistics: Molecular biology, genetics, computer science, mathematics, applications, tools, analysis, interpretation, physics, Genomics, structure, function, evolution, mapping, Proteomics, Transcriptomics, evolutionary relationships, physics, Structural, Protein Dynamics, Molecular Microscopy, Optical Probes, Cell Signaling, Cellular Physiology, Brain Imaging, Bioelectronics, data analysis, statistical reasoning, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, probability distributions, point and interval estimation of population parameters, and hypothesis testing, levels of measurements, hypothesis testing, and correlation.
- Computational and Statistical Genetics: Genome sequences, DNA, RNA, experimental data, DNA microarrays, bioinformatics, BLAST, genetic datasets, candidate-gene, genome-wide, resequencing studies, unrelated and related individuals, population genetics, genetic epidemiology, quantitative genetics geneticists, molecular biologists, clinicians and bioinformatician, Biogeography, Coalescence, Divergence, Geographic Information Systems, Spatially explicit, Statistical phylogeography, Electrochemical degradation, Optimization, Modeling, Dyes wastewater, Degradation.
- System Biology: Interactions, behavior, molecules, cells, organs, organisms, model, discover emergent properties, computational, mathematical analysis, metabolic networks, cell signaling, metabolomics, expressed sequence tag, RT-PCR, reverse-transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, cloning, strategy, Neuronal progenitors, Progenitor pool, Proliferation versus differentiation, Lymphangiogenesis, Edema, Lymphatic metastasis, antioxidant, Biological information, Genomics, Proteomics, Galactose utilization system, Predictive, preventive, and personalized medicine.
- Molecular Biology and Biochemistry: Biomolecules, amino acids, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, compositions, interactions, structure, functions, life processes, DNA cloning, bacterial transformation, transfection, chromosome integration, cellular screening, cellular culture, extraction of DNA, DNA polymerase DNA dependent, reading and writing DNA, DNA sequencing, DNA synthesis, molecular hybridization, neurochemistry, bioorganic chemistry, clinical biochemistry, physical biochemistry, molecular genetics, biochemical pharmacology, and immunochemistry.
- Genomics and Proteomics: Structural genomics, Functional genomics, Comparative genomics, groups of genes, genetic material, scientific study, environmental factors, prediction, diagnosis, treatment diseases, protein extraction, enzymatic digestion, HPLC separation, analysis, peptides, tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), database, software-based protein quantification, sequence, structural proteomics, expression proteomics, interaction proteomics, and functional proteomics.
- Mathematical Biology: Mathematical models, biomathematics, theoretical biology, analyses, govern structure, development, behavior, biological systems, Abstract relational biology, Algebraic biology, Complex systems biology, differential equations, fractional derivative, numerical method, delay differential equations, Reproduction number, Stability analysis, Nonstandard computational method, Computer programming, Periodic solutions, Exact solutions.
- Network Biology: Complex interactions, molecules, integrative systems, data acquisition, network models, computational tools, relations between genes and proteins, disease comorbidity, and discovery, personal genomes, translational bioinformatics, gene regulatory networks (GRNs), Neurodegeneration, Cancer, RNA binding proteins, Network, miRNAs, Differentiation therapy, Epigenetic landscape, Cancer stem cell, Dynamical system.
- Medical Informatics: Intersection, information science, computer science, health care, resources, devices, storage, retrieval, software, information systems, informatics principles, healthcare, communications, Agreement, Reliability, Kappa, Latent structure analysis, Tetrachoric correlation, Prevalence, Health informatics, Research, International Medical Informatics Association, Knowledge extraction, Medical decision making, Rule extraction, Decision support, Radiotherapy.
- Biomarker Discovery and Mass-Spectrometry: Vital information, safety, efficacy, diagnostic, prognostic, or predictive, tumor testing, tumor profiling, or tumor genetic testing, an ion source, a mass analyzer, a detector, analytic technique, mass spectrographs, beam, separate isotopes, biochemistry, pharmacy, medicine, sequence biomolecules, Metabonomics, Metabolomics, Multiple reaction monitoring, Selected reaction monitoring, Cancer, Targeted proteomics, Plasma or serum, Volatile metabolomic profile, Renal cell carcinoma, Central composite design, Headspace solid-phase microextraction, Gas chromatography-ion trap.
- Organization and Drug Designing Tools for Development Analysis: Multi Databases, Virtual Screening Tools, Structure Designing/Building Tools, Predictive Analytics, Model Building Tools, USFDA(USA), MHRA(UK), TGA(Australia), CDSCO(India), HEALTH CANADA(CANADA), MCC(South Africa), ANVISA (Brazil), EMEA (European Union), SFDA (China), NAFDAC(Nigeria), MEDSAFE(Newzeland), MHLW(Japan), MCAZ(Zimbabwe), SWISSMEDIC(Switzerland), KFDA(Korea), MoH (Sri Lanka), AlphaFold, DeepChem, ODDT, Cyclica, Exscientia, AMPL.
- Parallel Computation, Linking Disparate Databases, Data Mining: Design, implementation of algorithms, multiple processors, bit-level, instruction-level, data, task parallelism, multiple compute resources, computational problem, information technology, operation, fundamentally distinct data, setting objectives, data gathering, and preparation, applying data mining algorithms, evaluating results.
- Biological Software Design and Development: Process of formulating, specifying, documenting, programming, designing, testing, error handling, bug, scientists, bioinformatics, the mass of molecular biology, sequence, or structural analysis, SSS (Sequence Search Services), MSA (Multiple Sequence Alignment), and BSA (Biological Sequence Analysis), Microdialysis, Biosensors, Lactate, Glucose, On-line monitoring, Biologically inspired design, Biomimicry, Bionics, Conceptual design, Collaborative design, Creative design, Design cognition, Computer-aided design, Knowledge-based design,
- Computational Biomodelling (Molecular Modelling): Molecular recognition, proteins, inhibitors, computational chemistry, drug design, computational biology, materials science, investigate the structure, dynamics, surface properties, thermodynamics of inorganic, biological, and polymeric systems, Energy metabolism, Kinases, Multistability, Reaction networks, Influence networks, Positive circuits, Motion parallax, Multiview setup, 3D video conferencing, Biomolecular networks, Coloured qualitative/stochastic/continuous/hybrid Petri nets, Model checking, Genome-scale metabolic models, Chinese hamster ovary cells, Flux balance analysis, Modeling, and analysis.
- Biological Algorithms Development and Implementation: Population initialization, fitness calculation, selection, crossover, and mutation, generate high-quality solutions, evolutionary algorithms (EA), optimization problem, Facility location, Tabu Search, Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing, Combinatorial optimization, Economic dispatch, Environmental impact, Multiobjective optimization, Natural resource consumption, Production cost, Greenhouse gas emissions, Greedy methods, Traveling Salesman Problem.
- Multiple Sequence Alignment and Biological Databases Development: Evolutionary relationships, patterns between genes, biological sequences, sequence homology, phylogenetic analysis, Graphing approach, Alignment methods, biological information, design, development, long-term management, gene sequences, textual descriptions, attributes and ontology classifications, citations, and tabular data.