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Prof. Dr. Ambuj Kumar

Prof. Dr. Ambuj Kumar

Full Professor
School of Civil Engineering and Architecture Adama Science and Technology University, Adama, Ethiopia 1888
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Architectural Heritage
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Focus and Scope

Last Update: 31-Dec-22


About the Journal

International Journal of Architectural Heritage [2583-3278(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2015 that promotes architectural representation through the creation of virtual 3D complex models. These models must contain not only dimensional and geometrical building aspects, but also architectural and constructive ones, describe transformations, and serve as a core for the aggregation, organization, analysis, and management of the vast and heterogeneous number of information associated with an architectural heritage – such as surveying and design drawings, historical documents, and scientific data. Many researchers have become interested in cultural heritage digital representation in recent years, with a particular emphasis on computing issues, often without distinguishing between cultural and architectural heritage. Architecture is a complex organism, a synthesis of spaces, surfaces, volumes, and materials created with specific structural systems, the result of transformation and modification processes over time, the expression of interventions, and architectural cultures that have occurred since its construction to the present day.

Focus and Scope

  • Architectural Virtual Museum Promotes knowledge dissemination and heritage enhancement by correlating, reporting, and displaying architectures that are geographically distant from one another. In some ways, the digital museum can be viewed as a subset of a dedicated digital archive, i.e., a more general database. Most of the time, it gathers photographs and architectural drawings. Teaching and tourism have the most potential. In the case of archaeological sites, where the models can represent reconstructive hypotheses, their capability is emphasized even more. 
  • Interpretative Architectural Model: The architectural 3D digital model serves as a bridge between intellect and tangible reality, and it is a digital replica of observable phenomenal reality. As a result, the model expresses – that is, contains – the building’s history and progression through time. It is an interpretable document, but it is also a genuine critical-historical text written in the virtual dimensions of figurative language. Careful architectural surveying, a wise modeling project, and intelligent and critical use of the digital model are the assumptions of this methodology for historical analysis.
  • Architectural Surveying: The analysis, selection, synthesis, and representation of the architectural event result in an understanding of building characteristics and their appropriate graphical documentation. The survey is composed of the following steps: preliminary research and document acquisition; survey design; measurement; and restitution with interpretative models of reading and communication of architectural heritage. Only the measurement phase can be considered objective; the others are subjective because their outcomes are influenced by the surveyor’s skills, culture, and experience.
  • Architectural Heritage Value: According to the UNESCO World Heritage Convention of 1972, cultural heritage monuments are groups of buildings and sites that have exceptional universal value in terms of history, art, or science. Cultural heritage values, historical values, and aesthetic values are identified in modern restoration theory. The purpose of restoration is to preserve heritage values (to pass them on to future generations); thus, the first act of restoration must be the recognition of the values. Any historic building can recognize values, particularly historical values; evaluation of the quality of historical and aesthetic values is referred to as a critical act of the scholar.
  • Representation of Architectural Heritage: Architectural history represents the understanding of values and their appropriate documentation, 3D representation related to knowledge. Digital models must describe the buildings, which are complex systems consisting of spaces, surfaces, materials, constructive technologies, and degradation, with modification and stratification processes serving as witnesses to historical events and cultures. As a result, the term’s representation has a more inclusive meaning than the term modeling & rendering. 
  • Digital Archive: A virtual space in which data, services, and users are linked to preserve, use, and share information. Digital archives for architecture collect written / graphic documents, which are typically dispersed in different collections, according to conservation – for the fragility of the original documents – and smart access strategy. Digital archives favor historical research and comparative analysis. 3D models can be used in conjunction with traditional metadata to aid in the historical-critical analysis of works – both realized and planned – and in the study of authors and architectures concerning historical context.
  • Architectural Graphical Analysis: Drawing has been coded for graphical analysis since the 1950s, referring to the structuralism lesson, drawing is regarded as a meta-language, i.e., a graphical language capable of analyzing another language, architecture. Similarly, complex 3D models are useful tools for studying and representing structural, figurative, and functional aspects of architectural heritage due to their interaction, browsing, inquiring, and decomposing characteristics.
  • Structural Safety: The ability of load-bearing members of a building or structure to transmit actual and designed live and dead loads to a foundation or other load-bearing members within the allowable working stresses of the materials or assembly of materials involved is referred to as structural safety.
  • Earthquake Architecture: The term earthquake architecture refers to the architectural expression of earthquake resistance or the implication of architectural configuration, form, or style in earthquake resistance. It is also used to describe buildings whose architecture was influenced by seismic design considerations.
  • Contemporary architecture: There is a lot of modern architecture in the world. Modern styles combine with contemporary architecture, sharing a variety of characteristics. Additionally, these designs use fewer traditional building principles. Maybe ‘modern’ wasn’t the right word. This is because it can still depict structures that are almost 80 years old. Your house or workplace might be modernly built. It indicates that your home is one of the first to use novel building techniques. 
  • Spiritual Place: Any building structure that encourages this consciousness is referred to as spiritual architecture. It is an act of bringing the self into the light or highlighting it, not by rejecting matter but by making it manifest in matter, at different levels, and in diverse shapes. Spiritual spaces can be created or found in natural settings. A location designated by people or organizations as a spiritual sanctuary can be found in nature. It is a unique area, one whose personality distinguishes it from its surroundings. They differ from normal or frequently encountered places.
  • Regeneration of Economic Heritage: Even when economic development has little direct connection to heritage, heritage in the form of preserved and modified buildings, promoted associations with historical events and figures, and significant museums and galleries that may be new but house heritage art and artifacts may all contribute to area regeneration.
  • Heritage Buildings: Heritage in the form of preserved and altered structures promoted associations with historical occurrences and figures, and significant museums and galleries that may be new but house heritage art and artifacts may all contribute to area regeneration, even when economic development has little direct connection to heritage. A heritage building is essentially any structure that has to be preserved due to its historical, architectural, cultural, aesthetic, or ecological significance. The term “heritage sites” also includes archaeological sites, ruins, and relics.